Thursday, January 29, 2015

You want me to steam my what?!?!

So I am not a medical professional but I just read that a certain celebrity is yabbering about this "AMAZING" treatment that involves steaming your lady parts.  I swear I heard my lady parts scream at the thought.  

"You sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al. It is an energetic release—not just a steam douche—that balances female hormone levels. If you’re in LA, you have to do it."

Look, I take hot burn the 1st layer of skin off hot but something about squatting (sitting) over a pot to expose your Garden of Eden to an herbal steam bath just doesn't seem appealing. I mean steam is water that got too hot to stay liquid so it became a me having THAT blow up my hooha sounds unpleasant.  Throw in the herbs that are supposed to balance your hormones and wait...what?!?  I know you can breathe vapor into your lungs and they can absorb things like herbs or meds.  But your vag doesn't breathe and if it does you should see a Doctor stat.  So if it doesn't "breathe" the herbal vapor into the blood stream...can it absorb it?  I honestly have no idea...I should research.

Side Note - I put lotion on the other day that had peppermint in know it makes your skin all tingly for a hot second and smells delicious.  Anyway, I happened to touch a certain area (not in that way you perv!) not long after applying it and I swear to God it felt like I lit a match in my pants...who knew she had such a dislike of peppermint.  With that said steamed herbs may piss her off just the same. 

It also said something about cleansing your uterus...again not a Doc but how does it get into the uterus...?  Sitting in water doesn't make water go in there so why would steam float up in there...I feel like I am missing something.

Whatever the case may be I think I'll leave this one to the celebs and trendy folk because my reproductive system is already temperamental.  If I tried to steam it, it very well may pack up its egg cases and vacate my body while I am sleeping leaving a note that says "if you want a steamed clam, go to a restaurant".

In all seriousness though apparently this is like some ancient medical thing that is having a resurgence.  Who am I to judge?  If you like it, more power to you.  I've not tried it and I probably wont but others have and seem to enjoy it.  See Here.  No really, read that article because it is hilarious!  I've been laughing for ten minutes. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It is not 1920, at least last time I checked

If I am right, and I usually am, it is in fact 2015.  A time where we are not governed by the ridiculous standards of our grandparents (great grandparents) time.  Women are not just seen as an accessory for a man...they are their own people...with their own careers...with their own mind.  It hurts my brain every time I hear someone say something that sounds like it came out of the early 1900's.  I will sum it, well list it out, below.  And note that I know this does not define everyone...I am just saying I have been shocked to hear such things in today's society.

1.) "Oh my God!  Did you hear she's pregnant???  She's not even married! Such a shame."

Um...first what does being married have to do with having a baby???????????  Last I checked it takes two to tango...why are we focusing on the woman here?  Who cares if there is or isn't a husband in the picture.  $hit happens people!  We are a free loving society...not many people wait till marriage to have $ex so quit being so judgmental. It isn't a shame.  What is a shame is it was probably completely unplanned which means a lot of things are going to change for her (and him).  They need our support not our sideways stares and hushed whispers. 

2.)  "She got knocked up on purpose!" 

Yes there are women who have done this but come on.  Accidents do happen ya know and again there was a guy there who had to contribute.  You think your sig other is trying to get PG on purpose wrap that $hit up son or don't sleep with her, you do have a say ya know.

3.)  "Well now they have to get married, for the baby."

Really...that is your take away here???  Sure lets force marriage on people who had a whoops.  Lets create a potential hostile situation where two people who maybe barely know each other or weren't meant to be married are coerced into it because their sexual exploits created a new life.  This just creates a higher divorce rate and a bad situation for the little one.  A baby does not equal must get married.  If at some point it happens, great, but don't force it because you are having a baby.

4.)  "Make an honest woman out of her."

I am going to nut punch you!  I am not even addressing this one further.

5.)  "You ruined my life!" 

Wow!  While I understand having a child is a big deal...saying it ruined a life is going a bit far.  And took part in this.  To make a baby you had to insert tab A into slot B.  It's not like she siphoned off your little swimmers without your permission or he put them in you without permission (forced sexual content excluded).  If you aren't ready to support another life, maybe you should have thought about that before you did the horizontal mambo. 

6.)  "I pulled out, she must have cheated on me!"

WTF are you smoking?!?  Sex ed 101...pulling out doesn't work.  There is still a chance some can get through...this isn't her up!  Take some responsibility.

7.) "You can't keep it!" or "You have to keep it!"

They can do what they want...  I am not touching the pro life/pro choice debate with a 10 foot pole but I am saying if she does have the baby, adoption is a solution...if dad wants him/her okay but you can't tell her she has to keep it... just like you can't tell her she can't keep it.  He/she is her baby too...

8.) "I can't believe he is dating her...she has a child!" 

While I understand when you are in your early twenties this can be a slight hindrance it shouldn't dictate whether or not you like a person.  So what if his sig other has child already, I can almost guarantee he isn't a virgin so he very easily could have fathered a child also, even though he hasn't (that we know of). Do not judge her because she has a child, just don't...we should be a forward thinking society..STOP!

       a.) What kills me further is when said person decides he wants to marry this "harlot" and *gasp* 
             adopts her child.  Some people freak out...why?!?  I think that is very
             sweet..admirable...treating someone else's child as your own.

       b.)  Also, for some reason when the situation is reversed the guy is seen as almost a hero. "He 
             has a child.  He is clearly a good man if he is so involved in his child's life."  There isn't the
             same stereotype for him (sometimes there is but not usually).

Single dad = hero, single mom = whore...
what the actual f**k...just no.

Maybe it is just in the Deep South but I doubt it.  Life isn't easy...add a kid to it and it gets even harder but we should NOT be judging people based on this.  There are so many other more important situations we can focus on instead of whether or not a woman happens to have a child out of wedlock. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

And then she tried to feast on my soul!

Sorry if you thought I actually met a soul sucker...thankfully that was NOT the case. I have begun to have strange dreams again.   Well I think I always have strange dreams but I remembered last night's and I really feel like my subconscious may have been on drugs...

Its funny because what triggered the memory of said dreams happened while in my car.  I checked my blind spot and saw the sticker on my window and I thought it was a bug...suddenly my brain was flooded with images of my strange @$$ dreams.  It was weird because at first they were just below the surface, I couldn't grab them...then without warning I remembered them in great detail!

First - We were in our house.  It was cold outside so we had brought in some of my more delicate potted plants.  But instead of them being out of the way they were all over the living room.  That in and of itself was odd but what was even more strange is the number of plants.  I mean I have quite a few but not nearly as many as were in my dream.  It looked like a jungle.  Old man was very interested in one of my larger potted plants.  When I went to investigate I saw a small snake...kind of like the one I actually had in my yard a few months back.  We didn't think it was poisonous but I still was dragging old man away from the plant just in case.  Unlike the real one we had, this dream one was very pissed off. It kept striking at was unusually fast and seemed to be able to "jump".  It "jumped" out of the pot as I hollered for my hubs to come help.  I tried to catch it on the floor and it slithered under the entertainment center.

I peered under and it "jumped" again, hit the bottom of the center and broke into two pieces.  "What the actual f**k is going on?!?!" Two odd looking black/iridescent beetles came running out, making some awful high pitched noise.  I screeched (because I am pretty sure my ears were bleeding) and grabbed a shoe.  I couldn't kill them!  It was like they were made of metal.  Then one of them wrapped around my left index finger and stopped making noise, all the while methodically clicking its mandibles *shudder*. Meanwhile the other was still running a muck around my house, WTF!?!?!?  Hubs finally showed up and was trying to help me get the beetle off my finger.  It had a death grip and every time we tried it clamped its legs tighter around my the point where it's pointed legs had pierced the first layer of skin.  In a panic I started pulling really hard and I heard a *crack*'s leg was fracturing and it screamed, I am talking a human in extreme pain type I stopped.  I remember thinking "well its not hurting me on purpose, it is just scared." Somehow we carefully extracted my finger without killing the bug from hell and get this...we SET IT FREE!

Second - (Okay this one is long, just a warning because there was a lot of detail I remembered) We were not in present day but I don't think it was the past either.  Maybe some warped future.  I say this because there was no electricity and some scenes seemed like they were back in the 1800's BUT other scenes took place in old raised shotgun type houses in NOLA.  I am not sure what my "job" was but I was making house calls.  On my first "call" I was in one of the shotgun houses.  It was a mess, boxes and stuff piled everywhere but it wasn't dirty.  It vaguely reminded me of my grandparents old double shotgun but it was much higher off the ground.  My client/friend offered me dinner and a place to stay once I finished whatever I was there to do.  I declined at first but he insisted because it was almost dark out and he didn't want me to leave once the sun set.  Although there was no electricity, gas still seemed to work because there was a gas fire place and it was lit, but to see we had small oil lanterns.  I couldn't see myself (no mirrors) but I remember seeing my arms in a long sleeve dark shirt, my hands were in fingerless gloves, and I had a tattered gray scarf. 

I don't remember any other calls like that but I knew there were others.  The next thing I remember I was going down wooden stairs with a hurricane lantern, following someone into a barn like basement but not underground.  There were tons of people and a bunch of "trash can" fires.  I was there to see someone who had recently passed (seriously what was my job?!?!).  He was off in a dark corner...he looked like he had been scared to death.  His skin was ashen and he appeared almost dehydrated but not mummified.  I looked him over but didn't see any signs of trauma and I was told he was basically healthy the day before.  Wait, he was alive yesterday?!?!? They said they woke up and he looked like this *yikes*.

This went on for a few house calls, over a few days I think.  All similar, exposed wooden beams, small contained fires for warmth & to see and more than one family living in the home.  Each "victim" looked identical and was seemingly healthy prior to...well dying.  They all had one thing in common, the morning before they died they received a letter in the mail (apparently USPS survived the apocalypse).  Each person was said to have been disturbed by said letter, almost panicky...and burned the contents after reading it.  This is getting very "The Ring" like...*in a creepy voice* "7 days."  Or in this case 24 hours.  We somehow tracked down a person who got one of these letters and had a stake out.  I was with my partner who wasn't my husband...he was like a legit business partner.  He looked like a homeless version of a detective...from a TV show I clearly watch but which one I couldn't tell you.  We had both dozed off during the night and were awakened by a strange wind...our hair and clothes were whipping around like we were stuck in a vortex...but also a vacuum...because there was no sound.  Trying to get our wits about us we realized the person we were watching was glowing black...I can't explain how you glow black but she was.  We were holding onto each other in shock...fear...mixture of emotions...completely frozen in place by the spectacle before us.  The person wasn't glowing black, whatever was encasing her is what was glowing.  The insanity ended and our client was dead, just like the others.  "What the hell was that thing?!?!?"  People thought we were crazy, talking about glowing black entities that suck the life out of you.

We managed to track down another potential victim.  Stakeout time.  This one was different...the letter was addressed to more than one person...WTF?!? Flash forward, we are in a vortex.  We are trying to approach this thing encasing one of our clients.  It turns and looks at us.  It has a pale white haggard face, the body is a black tattered cloak.  It seems only partially corporal.  It screamed...a blood curdling sound.  The only sound we could hear in the vacuum.  Suddenly the soul of the person it was attacking ascended.  This angered this thing and it launched itself at us.  It had me pinned, I couldn't move.  My partner tried incessantly to free me with no luck.  I could feel him pulling on my arm, I felt his face next to my ear...I am guessing saying something to me.  Who knows, I couldn't hear or see.  I was encased in darkness and freezing cold.  I could feel my life draining away.  I knew what it wanted my soul but I fought.  I fought until I couldn't draw breath...and then I woke up. 

Yea, I don't even want to try and analyze these...they are WEIRD!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Maybe I am more innocent than I realized...

...I feel like as a whole we are all desensitized to basically everything.  There is almost no shock factor left.  "Oh look a mutilated body on a TV show" we should be horrified...instead many are like "Eh, that is so something I saw on the news yesterday." Me, "holy crap they just showed an intense love scene in a music video." The entertainment world, "we basically create critically acclaimed porn".

Moving on, anyone else noticing this warped sexual fantasy thing people seem to be delving into.  I am not knocking anyone.  It is all over TV and movies and BOOKS.  And some of it is kinda hot.  What ever floats your boat is fine by me as long as no one is harmed in the process and all parties are willing. I am more talking about the glamorization of abusive relationships masked as love with some spice (chains and whips, excite me).  Again not knocking the spicy part...I am knocking the  underlying abuse.  Like the things that should SCREAM bad relationship.

Its those books that are now a movie franchise.  Most of us have read them (I did).  Most of us were COMPLETELY in love with Mr. Sexy Crazy, well by the end of the 2nd book we were.  It was a guilty addiction...why were we so consumed?!?!  What most of us didn't do was reflect on what actually happened in the books and realize what an EFFED up person Mr. Sexy Crazy truly is.  I mean maybe you thought "well that's not normal" while reading but you immediately forgot that as he passionately slammed her against the elevator wall.  I am not innocent of these thoughts.  I read all three books in record time and was completely obsessed with the characters.  I gave them all 5 stars and raved about how amazing they were causing more people I know to read them.  It was like a drug you could pass along infinitely to your friends. 

After reading some questionable comments about them, I re-read the books thinking people were just stupid and didn't get it.  It was then that I realized this story is in fact terrible.  It promotes unhealthy relationships.  It encourages obsessive and unhealthy behaviors.  For gods sake there is a flipping contract...and it is DISTURBING to say the least, seriously go back and read it!  You are literally signing over your life and freedom to someone did I not catch this in its entirety before?!?! Giving them permission to essentially torture you for sexual gratification.  I get we are going for ultimate submissive here but something just doesn't sit right.  He needs to control her (notice I said needs and not wants...there is a difference) because he was an abused adolescent...this isn't is sad.  And the underlying message throughout is that she can see the "loving" side of him...she thinks she can change him...she thinks she can fix him...a baby can make it all better (well not at first)...that is why this is fiction...that rarely happens...I would say never but you should never, say never

Anyway, two consenting adults going into this contract situation whatever, to each his own.  But in the book she is so green and he totally doesn't care.  You can say he tried to run her off but he really didn't.  And she signed it with no real thought to it.   He BEAT her!  Does no one else remember that???  He spanked her so hard she had welts and couldn't sit at all because according to the contract she misbehaved and he had a right to show up at her apartment and lay hands on her...after she pretty much ran away from him.  (I may be mixing up chapters but this is how I remembered it.)Yea, yea she signed a contract but is that how it really works?!?

Not to mention she said "and he touched me 'there'" more than necessary.  I mean if we are going for the extreme sexual fantasy factor you might as well say clit or something.   "But NOLAGurl she is supposed to be innocent." Screw that I know "innocent" women who know how to use adult words.  If she said it once or twice at the beginning fine, but after that...COME ON!

I dunno...I read them, I am guilty of loving the books.  But once re-read they really do paint a rather disturbing portrait of the world of BDSM...and from what I gather not an entirely accurate portrait. I am sure there are healthier ways to have a dominant/submissive relationship than what is portrayed.  I am all for sexual exploration...this seems more like exploitation.

I saw something on Tumblr (hush) and I feel like both posts linked below kind of agree with what I am saying.  I don't know much about this actual lifestyle but anyways, see below.  Scroll down past the pics (which is the type of stuff I was talking about above) and see the "arguments"

Post 1
Post 2

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cats are weird, oh and my house is haunted

No really...I swear something not of this dimension is totally living in my house.  For the past few months I will randomly hear a loud almost mechanical noise at around 3AM.  It scares the bejeezus out of me!  (of course hubs usually sleeps through it) At first I attributed it to curious cat knocking something but the last few times when I woke up all cats were accounted for... in bed with me *silent scream, silent scream*.  So I pulled the covers over my face and tried to go back to sleep.  On a recent occasion I wasn't fully asleep so when it started I realized it is our printer...prepping to print.  WTF?!?!  I got up and went see what printed...a blank sheet of paper.  "Uhhhhh *gulp*".   Logic kicked in, obviously someone is somehow accidentally accessing the printer via WiFi  or something.  That is why I randomly find blank paper in the finished printing area sometimes.  I turned off the WiFi *yawn* back to bed.

A few nights later I was having a bout of insomnia, sitting on my couch watching TV.  The flipping printer started and I almost screamed.  I slowly crept into the office with my phone flashlight...the WiFi was on and blank sheet of paper was in the bin.  *internal screaming* There has to be a logical explanation...turn off WiFi, curl up in a ball, and pray for sleep.  The next day I asked the hubs if he messed with the printer...maybe turned on the WiFi.  He said no, he hasn't messed with it in a while because the ink is pretty much out.  "Hmmmmm, maybe that is why the paper is always blank *gulp* what would be on the paper if I replaced the ink....".  Shaking those crazy thoughts, I turned off the WiFi (FYI it is a switch) and pretended I wasn't slightly creeped out.  

Last night, while I was home alone, the freaking thing went off again!  I refused to get out of bed.   What good can come out of me investigating the supernatural alone?!?!?  Of course I then slid out of bed, grabbed a stiletto (because that can kill a ghost) and went to investigate.  I tip toed to the office...ya know to sneak up on the undead...flicked on the light...screamed...and then lost it laughing!!!  A black cat was sitting on my desk, next to the printer...right by where the WiFi switch is located.  "Is that lil $hit turning on the WiFi?!?!!?" She ran and I unplugged the printer.  Of course that still doesn't explain the blank paper. . . is she also running a test page???  Did some computer geek come back as my cat and is now messing with me?!? 


Is something else going on and she was just investigating the printer because it was making noise...?!?!?!  I may never sleep again...*waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*!  So I've decided not to replace the ink...because there are some things we just shouldn't know.  My luck it would say "Don’t cremate me. Don’t cremate me!" If that happened, you would have to commit me because my brain would just shut down.

In other news, she apparently is worried about me.  While old lady cat is a snuggler and will head butt you affectionately (while you are sleeping), the demon spawn tends to keep to herself....unless she is, I dunno, concerned, maybe.  Whenever I am sleeping alone (either hubs is out of town or working late) she pats my cheek with her paw until I open my eyes...then she nuzzles me and walks away..."what...what, just happened....?"

Monday, January 19, 2015

That is so NOT okay

We all have self confidence issues.  Well most of us do.  There are days where you can't bear to look at your reflection or just plain don't want to leave your house because you think you look bad or feel bad about yourself.  It is unfortunate but it happens to the best of us.  The flip side of that is when you start feeling better about yourself so your confidence soars to new heights and it is evident to everyone that you are happy.  I am not talking bi-polar mood swings just the normal we all get down in the dumps about our appearance, etc type stuff. 

What happens a lot of times though is you are on the upswing but you aren't quite back to your normal semi-confident self yet so you mask it.  I mask it by forcing myself to smile and have fun.  I personally don't think that is a bad thing but a shrink may disagree.  It actually helps me to get back on track faster.  Others mask it differently by putting others down and that is why I say "that is so NOT okay"

Just because you feel down about yourself does not mean you have the right to put everyone else down.  Yea you might be on the "upswing" of your whatever but trying to make everyone else look bad is not okay.  So you started working out, good on you but that doesn't give you an open to make a snide comment about someone else's weight...not even in jest (and saying "no offense"doesn't negate what was said).  So you got a new electronic doohickey that everyone else has, awesome sauce, just because someone else has a different brand or version does not make yours/theirs better/worse.  They do the same effing thing...why is this now a competition.  You have problems at home...I am sorry...I really am but do not deflect your home issues onto everyone else in public.  Just because you want to have complete control of your sig other doesn't mean everyone else when they are inquisitive it's not to be's probably because they either didn't hear or are curious. 

But the worst...the absolute worst is putting down a child.  And don't tell me "I'm just kidding".  There are ways to be sarcastic and funny with kids where they know you are being sarcastic and funny and still love them to bits.  If a child looks at you like you ripped their heart out, they do not get the joke.  You just crushed them.  And honestly, if you would have spoken to me that way I probably wouldn't have laughed either.  Instinctively we pick up on underlying tones.  You can smile all day long but something in the tone of voice, in the glint of the eyes, hints that you aren't really joking.  In addition...who the eff calls a child or baby ugly?!?!?  What is so wrong in your life that you have to say something that horrible?!?!  Yea it may not have been said to their face but what is the point of even voicing that thought.  Saying a child is bratty...okay I get that I guess but flat out saying an innocent baby is ugly...what is wrong with you?!?!

Sure some kids are traditionally cuter than others but come on!  I don't think I have ever looked at a child and thought "ugly".

It is not in my nature.  I tend to see beauty in everyone.  Not kidding, I have always been this way which is why people always said I dated "below my standards" or was "too pretty" to be friends with some.  It is because I saw past everything our society says is "unattractive".  It is obvious these persons are going through something and are lashing out.  Yes they may tell us about all the wonderful things happening to them and complain about the mundane stuff but clearly something else is going on.  We are well out of our uninformed youth, being mean/a bully to anyone, much less a child, is uncalled for 100% of the time. 

Truthfully, I don't think some people realize what they are doing.  It is like a defense mechanism but that still isn't an excuse.  And responding with "I am not apologizing for being me" doesn't wipe the slate clean either.  You can be you without crushing someone else.  It concerns me how oblivious people are about their actions.  What if something you said or did because you felt bad about yourself pushed someone over the edge?!?  How would you feel knowing your "joking" caused someone to choose anorexia or to otherwise hurt themselves?!?!  It happens, I witnessed it first hand.  Uncles "joking" with their niece about her weight because she was ever so slightly bigger than the other kids.  She almost died!  She nearly starved herself to death!!! It was flipping baby fat you assholes!  Was I the only one that saw past the "unattractive" body type of a CHILD???  Because of you she damaged her body and mind!

**NOTE** I am not talking about goodhearted joking amongst friends/family.  I am talking about the words in jest laced with venom said for no apparent reason. 

These aren't my images, I google searched them to make a point.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I think it is hilarious that I am my worst critic.  I look at pics of me lately and think "Ugh I look awful!  I am fat...ewwww....argh!"  I think you get the gist.  Anyways, I recently uploaded some pics to FB from a formal outing I went to last weekend.  I think I look awful but I couldn't upload no pictures of me so as bad as they were I put them up. 

I was trying to be funny/cute in one in particular and while it was funny/cute I think I look like a sausage stuffed into my dress.  Yuck!  But that is the picture...that is the one that EVERYONE seems to love.  They keep telling me how beautiful I look, how they love my dress and the number of likes is getting pretty ridiculous.  I just don't get it.  Are they just being nice...probably not.  Because there are other photos where I think I look nice and they don't get that much attention. 

I was so reluctant to post that picture because I think I look disgusting but it can't be that bad or it wouldn't be getting that much attention.  I don't like to think of myself as having body image issues but I clearly do.  Honestly I think most women do.  Our society sucks!  I am not fat...I am fairly tiny.  Am I in the best shape of my life, no, but I am not just to make my brain believe that. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yay, I finally went!!!

My little geeky heart almost exploded :)  Granted WWNOLA isn't huge (yet), but it is my first Comic Con type adventure so I was so flipping excited!!!  Of course people who don't understand my nerdness were BAFFLED why I would pay $40+ just to get in and then more if I wanted to meet anyone famous (which down here seems to be A LOT of Walking Dead peeps)

I didn't pay any extra for meet & greets/photo ops/autographs but I was perfectly content just observing.  I am a people watcher and there are so many sights to see, I was loving it!  My husband was trying really hard not to fan boy when we saw Brett Dalton signing at his booth.  I mean he was a mere 20 feet away, I had a perfect view of him.  Then not far behind on the next aisle was Tom Felton.  There was a plethora of Walking Dead peeps but I don't watch the show religiously so I only knew a few.  I was sad Norman Reedus had to cancel (at least that's what I was told), I may have paid to meet him.  Not just because he is Darryl but because one of my all time fav movies is Boondock Saints!  

Moving on to the other attendees!  So many wonderful cosplays.  I was impressed and made a decision that I will dress up one of these days but I can't figure out who/what I will cosplay as...hmmmm.  I don't have pics.  I wish I did!!!  Anyways some of my favs were a guy dressed as Jareth (Goblin King) .  It was perfect right down to the obvious bulging package...o_O. Yes I was difficult not to!  A girl dressed as the cyber doctor.  It was so good.  She had the clothing near perfect and she had the metal cyber doohickey on her face and it even lit up!  I wanted to stop her and tell her how amazing her cosplay was but there were too many people between us and she walked away.  Of course there were storm troopers and Jedi and Vaders galore.  I saw a few Castiels that all seemed to walk around with a confused puppy dog look making them that more awesome.  There were quite a few Doctors of various eras but none topped the Cyber Doctor (can you tell I was impressed?!?).  Oh, there was a "red shirt" Trekkie.  His shirt was all torn up and he had an arm sling and looked thoroughly beat up.  Creative!  There really were too many to name but these were the ones that stood out to me, on the day I was there. 

It seems the NOLA stop gets bigger every year.  I hope it continues to grow!  Because I am assuming the bigger it is, the more likely we'll be to get even bigger celebrities, panels, etc.  Which since I went this time, of COURSE I will be attending in the future.  SDCC is still on my bucket list.  I WILL go there one day! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

You won!...sort of

This is paraphrased but you get the gist. 

Caller: ...An all expenses paid trip to (insert posh vacay) doesn't that sound wonderful?!?!
Me: Um really??
(mind you I did do one of the "enter to win" things at WWNOLA)
Caller:  Yes, do you have a pen and paper, here are the deets
Me: Uhhhh sure, go ahead.
Caller:  Rattles off the most amazing sounding vacay to Orlando, FL for 5 days.
Me: Huh, cool...
Caller:  It gets better...proceeds to rattle off more amazing vacays that come with this "package"
Me: Ummmm, ooookkkaaaaay
Caller:  Still prattleing on about the 3 additional trips that comes with my winnings
Me: Wow... *thinking* why do I feel like I'm on some infomercial "but wait there's more"
Caller:  Yes wow!  You and 49 other lucky winners.
Me:  *Getting more suspicious* Soooo what's the catch
Caller:  There's no catch, this is a $4,000+ value all yours.  For you and your hubby and two other adults. 
Me: Kaaaaay...
Caller:  All you have to do is pay the processing fees and taxes today and you have 2 years to go on these four luxurious vacations. 
Me:  I, uh, only signed up for the Orlando thing. 
Caller:  but this is all free!
Me: Processing fees aren't "free". Although I would expect to pay taxes
Caller: But listen...get this its only $349
Me: Okay not that bad...
Caller: Per person
Me: What?!?  Isn't this a vacation for four?!?!
Caller: But you only pay for two people the other two are free
Me: Um $700 today...who are you again?
Caller: (insert name of travel agency) Is the money the only thing holding you back?
Me: Y...eee...ssss *thinking* that and I don't normally give my CC out to random people that call me over the phone.... oh and this doesn't seem like that GREAT of a deal
Caller: Hold on let me see if I can get a better rate *puts me on hold*
Me: It sounds waaaaaay too good to be true.  Eff this *hangs up*

Did I miss out on 4 GREAT vacations.  Possibly.  But we have to be able to use them in two years time and we have to pay our way to get there so all expenses paid is not quite right...maybe I miss heard her.  Maybe she didn't say that and I inserted it but I don't think I did.  Yea Orlando hotel and theme park tix paid (well, actually, we can buy them at BOGO) but I have to fly or drive to get there.  A trip to Miami...I love Miami but I have to get there.  And only the hotel is paid for.  Cruise sounds wonderful but it leaves out of Miami (again flying issue) and you get no extra moula so you have to pay for everything else.  Trip to Vegas, again REALLY?!!?!?

So this deal sounds more like hey we'll pay for your hotel if you figure out your own passage, pay for your own food, etc but we would really like a good review/recoomendation from you in return. 

NOTHING IS FREE PEOPLE!  Like I said, I expect to pay taxes on contests that are won but really?!?   Plane tickets alone are $200+ per person unless you get an awesome deal on Southwest. is ridiculous!  For two people to eat out everyday for at least two meals...even going cheap cheap, it's no less than $75 per day (and that is chain restaurants and no alcohol).  Plus a rental or cab fare to get around.  And if you are in Miami or Vegas you are going to want to go out to a club/bar at least once which I can tell you first hand isn't cheap!  For Vegas you get $100 spend how you want card (usable at casinos).  I can tell you that $100 will get you 1 and a 1/2 buffets (maybe) if you use it for food.  Basically I am saying it wont go very far.

So all in all they wanted me to pay them $700 but each trip would cost us an extra $1,250 (I mean BARE MINIMUM).  In reality it would be way more.  Actually it would be more for the Orlando trip because it doesn't include the park passes.  It is 4 trips...that is $5,000+ over TWO YEARS!  Plus the $700 I have to pay upfront.  In what way does this sound like a good deal?!?!?  For $2,000 I can fly both of us to Orlando, stay on the Disney grounds, get two 5 day hopper passes and probably meal plans (those changed recently so I am not sure).  Oh an transportation is included unless you need to leave the grounds....

Friday, January 9, 2015

Panty dropper alert

"Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran

I mean that is all I really need to say.  This song is an instant melt into a puddle of goo type song.  *Ugh*

Seriously, you could be the most unromantic man (or woman) ever and you play this song for them...done.  Deal is sealed.  Well maybe not for everyone but that's what I think.

Okay that's it just had to say that.

No, but the VIDEO!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

What goes around comes around

This is not about revenge as you may have previously is also not to be said as that creeptastic child from BBC America's Intruder's .  What is it about creepy's like nightmare central for me. Give me an ax murderer, ghost, whatever and I'm fine...creeper kid *never sleeping again*.

Anyways, I mean style.  My mom would always joke that what I was wearing in the mid nineties was similar to what she wore in the 60's/70's.  Bell bottom pants, tie dye, flowers, peace signs, ying yangs, crop tops...I mean the list goes on and on.  And of course cool as I was I thought "uh no, these are totally different!"  Then the late nineties happened and I merged my hippie/disco self with the grunge look.  I wasn't hard core but I was a fan of doc martin boots, plaid shirts and baggy jeans...oh and don't forget layers of necklaces with black rope chokers.   But I wasn't all grunge.  I was a bit style bipolar.  I could go from spice girls to nirvana and everything in between in relation to dress and music choice.  My closet, hell, my whole room, looked like the 90's exploded in it!

What I am noticing now that I am OLD(er) is my mom was so freaking right!!!  That military boot style that my friends made fun of me for wearing is sooooooooooooooooooooo back.  I honestly didn't realize it.  I still have my docs.  I love(d) my docs! But I haven't worn them in quite a few years.  Anyways, I was at the mall Christmas shopping and a tween went be-bopping past me in a neon shirt, blue leggings and docs.  Like the high ankle ones I used to wear. I had to do a double take to make sure I actually saw what I thought I was seeing.  It was like a clash of the decades.  80's neon/leggings meets 90's "grunge".  Can't wait to see what other 90's nostalgia comes back in style.  I am hoping the weird 5 tiny clips hair style stays away but it probably wont.  I mean I wore it like a champ but it wasn't my best look, ha!

I just geeked out so co-workers think I am insane

I live in NOLA (well near enough).  I am a Mardi Gras nut, I love it!  I go to as many parades as I can...which because I am a responsible adult isn't as many as I'd like.  I am a sci-fi/fantasy the hell have I not attended the Krewe of Chewbacchus parade?!?!?!  I've heard of it in passing but apparently my brain didn't register what it was. 

It is fandom meet Mardi Gras.  Whovians and Trekkies and Star Wars Freaks, oh my!  I cannot contain my glee.  I mean I want to go so bad I will go by myself if I have to just to see it all.  It seems everything is basically homemade.  Just the costumes alone, what?!?  And apparently the throws are all unique as well.  Whatever you want essentially.  The Krewe du Who has fully functional Face of Boe and I saw this year they have a full scale remote control TARDIS and The Moment.  Seriously, inhuman noises were coming from me as I read!  But obvi it is not all Who stuff.  It is all fandoms and sub genres and all things geeky/nerdy...oh my God I love it and I haven't seen it yet.

My fav thing is the the annual fee to be a member is $42.  Yea that's right, they did that.  I have no idea how long they've been around but it can't be that I that out of touch?!!?!?  For goodness sake it is call "Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus" this year's theme is "The Cult of the Sacred Drunken Wookiee"  I am dying!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

As the world turns...

...better yet...what happens when the world STOPS turning.

Are we talking metaphorically or literally?  Because in the literal sense, I can tell you what happens.  Well, in theory.  1/2 the world freezes and 1/2 the world becomes a desert oven. I'm sure there are parts that will be semi habitable but short story is you die a cold death or deep fry.  And if the elements don't kill you the lack of food will...among other things.

If we are talking metaphorically I am fairly certain the same rules apply.  Because although the physical world may still be spinning around the sun, our society will have ceased to function.  I am not one for doom and gloom.  Honestly I hate doom and gloom but I am realistic and things happening in the world today are signs of something pretty bad on the horizon.  Is it inevitable, it likely, yea...yea I think it might be. It may not be the worst case scenario some are playing things out to be but you'd have to be blind to think all is okay.

Things are happening..."Well, four things. Well, four things and a lizard."  I kid I kid, I mean four things and a lizard could be happening but I don't think it will affect most of us (unless he failed *dun dun duuuuun*).  All joking aside things don't look good especially in the U.S. ...a lot in the south...oil & gas industry.  What some don't seem to realize is if that industry crashes and burns so does the does the does sooooooooo much else (from what I understand).  Just watch TV...its there just hidden in plain sight.  It seems to be a domino effect.  I am NOT an expert but things are happening and I don't know if we will be able to halt it before things go all sideways for us. 

I say this because I've read some things and noticed other things and as I mention said things in conversations OTHER PEOPLE BRING UP then they get all weird and basically laugh it off and caress their Michael Kors bag, brag about their new Lexus or talk about buying that $200 t-shirt.  I am not jealous so don't start with me...I am frugal so I notice high dollar purchases on seemingly  unnecessary things.  And I am not saying "hunker down" (I actually hate that term now) but I am saying be aware of what is happening around us.  It may not affect you today but why not be a little prepared.  You don't have to stop "spoiling" yourself or your kids but be conscious of what is going on in the economy.  A splurge here and there is fine, why not...but if what has been set in motion continues to snowball those three $500 handbags you just couldn't live without last year aren't going to mean a damn thing when you can't buy food or pay the mortgage or whatever.  Just saying. 

Being cost conscious isn't a bad thing.  Stop trying to keep up with celebrities...they makes MILLIONS of dollars a year (or a month in some instances), they can afford to throw money away.  Well for now o_O.

**NOTE** I repeat I am not an expert...just having thoughts...out I wrote them down.