Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sugar, your problems do not make you a princess...I'll not bow down to ya. We aaaaaaaaaaaaall have problems, get over yourself!

Okay that seems harsh.  It is not that I don't care about other peoples issues (as stated we all have them).  I get annoyed when people act like an @$$ for no apparent reason and expect you to grovel at their feet, begging for an explanation because they have an issue that you are unaware of.

Me: Good morning *smile*, what happened yesterday when I was out?
Person: *dramatic sigh* it was normal *moves to the other side of the coffee room and is quiet*
Me: Okaaaaay. . .*raised eyebrow* just wondering because my phone barely rang
Person: *unnecessarily aggressive* I said it was normal! *storms out of the coffee room*
Me: *stirring my coffee* WTF was that about?!?!

Sorry "your majesty" but what the hell is your childhood trauma?!?!? I am not sure when in the 10 minutes I've been here that I managed to piss them off so royally but I clearly did.  The thing I now know (through years of experience) is that it has NOTHING to do with me...at least I am fairly certain it has nothing to do with me.  This person will have a personal issue(s) and then takes it out on everyone at work.  They give us all the silent treatment, clipped answers, close (slam) their office door, rude to customers, etc.  It's extremely immature and 100% unprofessional.  Then if you don't ask "awe pauvre bête, what's wrong???" in a timely manner (I've no idea what that time frame is...its hit or miss), you become the focus of their anger and the actions mentioned above are exaggerated tenfold.  

I don't understand.  If it isn't work related, leave it at home.  Of course we can't shut out everything once we get to work but at least try to remember you are a "professional" and act like one.  I have no "power" over this person so I can't do much about it.  And we aren't talking newbie, just out of college, doesn't understand office etiquette.  We are talking 20+ years experience and a bit older than me.  I am not going to coddle you because you lash out at me over something I have NOTHING to do with.  I am not here to do that...you want to be coddled go home to your spouse...if its their fault you are so pissy get a lover (just kidding don't do that).  Or act like a normal f**king human being and come out with it.  You obviously want to "talk" about it or you wouldn't be showing  your @$$ so come on then, spit it out or stop being a tw@t.

My point is we all have problems, I'm not diminishing the severity of theirs and I am not in a pissing contest over whose personal life sucks more at this point in time.  Put on your big girl panties and get on with it.

NOTE: I asked what was wrong about 2 hours later and was told with a very FORCED smile, "*sigh* nothing, everything is...fine *slowly walks away*."  OMG, just stahp!!!

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