Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Anyone else have the sudden urge to "switch teams"?

No? Yea me neither soooooo why are people freaking the f**k out?  After the ruling I did not have the sudden urge to leave my husband for a woman...I did feel the need to wrap myself in rainbow but that is just me..I like rainbows

Sorry, this one is not a silly NOLA Gurl post...just a warning. 

I LOST 4 "friends" on FB the other day when I posted about the Supreme Court ruling.  I didn't even say anything about it, I just posted it with a smiley face.  I went from 444 friends to 440 friends.  I only noticed because I remembered kinda stuck out.  Clearly they weren't my "friends" if they deleted our online friendship over a difference of opinion. 

It is equal rights. . .that is it in a nutshell.  It isn't some hedonistic witchcraft that will cause people to suddenly change.  It is just the country saying you can marry the PERSON you love regardless of the bits they have.  I personally think that is wonderful.  If your religious beliefs think that is "wrong", okay probably shouldn't marry someone with the same bits as you.  But it also means you shouldn't engage in intercourse with people with the same bits either (I swear I heard someone who has had relations with both men and women bash same sex marriage in the name of religion, that makes ZERO sense).  Anyways, those are your beliefs, you follow them but you can't force other people to adhere to them just because you believe in them. 

I don't believe cinnamon should be slathered on anything I am eating but that doesn't mean I am going to try to create a law to force everyone else to not have it because I don't like it. If you like it, good on you...I will CHOOSE not to partake in it.  I guess I am just different (in the best possible way, ha!).

Someone's sexual preference will not change will not change your will not change anything outside of that person's relationship.  I am so tired of hearing people say "I don't want my kids exposed to this...they will get ideas!" Honey, if your "kids" get "ideas" from this then they already were starting to realize they like persons of the same gender.  Being around gay people (or exposed to gay couples) doesn't make you gay...its not a f**king disease!  You can't catch it!  Quit being a @$$hat.  If you don't want to be friends with them or you want to alienate your family because of it, fine so be it but quit spouting your idiocy around me because it is giving me a headache. If you feel following that mantra will "save" you, okay then but quit trying to "save" the rest of us. . .we know what your religion says and we choose to believe differently.  I personally don't think anything is wrong with marriage between any person...unless it is between a 30+ yr old and a minor.  In that case I don't care what gender you are a creep, don't do that.  And if you are a 30+ yr old in "love" with a 16 or 17 year old...just, just wait the two years...don't create a controversy over something that may not be real.  Moving on...

Things I've heard since the ruling that made me stabby:

1.)  "I am accepting of that choice.  We told my sister we accept her for who she is 100%, and that was 20 years ago but we made sure she knew she can't bring her girlfriends to family functions because we don't want our kids exposed to that." Sweetheart that is the exact opposite of acceptance and the fact that you've known for 20 years she is a lesbian and you STILL refuse to let her bring her partner around makes me very, very sad. 

2.)  *insert random bible verse* Ummm so are you going to want to enforce all bull$hit "rules" from the bible?  You do know it was written by MAN.  God didn't really write it...he "influenced" it but it was still written by MAN and it contains HIS biases no matter how you try to spin it.  It was also written quite a long time ago...things change...even religion needs to evolve.  Or would you rather condemn me because I am a woman and *insert biblical rule saying I should be stoned for whatever because I have lady parts*.  My point is if you believe it, fine but not everyone is required to believe in the same things you do (that's the whole point of freedom of religion)Get over it. 

3.) "I hope they are ready for *insert stereotypical marriage issue* because that's what they'll get now."  You are a special kind of stupid.  You do know these people who want to get married have been in relationships...many VERY long term.  Just because they suddenly have the right to marry doesn't mean they suddenly have all the work that comes with a marriage.  They've already had THAT piece...this is the legal part.  The socially accepted part.  It isn't about your stupid "oh now they are married, no sex" mantra.  It is about them being FAMILY.  They are now able to legally be family so that if one, god forbid, is ill or hurt they have a right to be by their side.  Among other things you are privy to, like shared health insurance or life insurance or I dunno, just being acknowledged as a real couple!  How would you like it if your spouse was terminally ill but you couldn't be by their side because you are Italian and they are Canadian and we just don't recognize that as a REAL relationship.  Sounds silly doesn't it. . .Come on!

4.) "I am fine with them getting married but they shouldn't be able to have or adopt kids.  You shouldn't want to bring up kids in that kind of household.  It's hard enough being a kid, much less to THOSE kind of parents." *weeping inside*  That is one of the most horrible things I have ever heard.  You are one of the reasons kids from THOSE types of parents have issues.  EVERYONE deserves the opportunity to be a parent.  I mean the same screening process should apply for adoption (gender preference aside, no one legitimately crazy should be given a child) but NOT whether or not they are gay...that shouldn't matter.  So the lesson here.  Before you start dating someone of the same sex, have a relationship with someone of the opposite sex...procreate with them...leave them...obtain full custody and then be with someone of the same sex.  Problem solved...Okay...that was COMPLETE sarcasm.  Sorry, if I went too far. 

*ugh* I gave myself a migraine...these are my don't have to agree with me...I won't stop talking to you because we have different beliefs.  Let's just agree to, uh, disagree. Kay, thanks, bye. 

P.S. From today is just least for me. 

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