Saturday, August 30, 2008

1st, 2nd Date - I was not supposed to like him *sigh*

I guess it's true when you least expect it something good happens... (:

So yea I went on a second date with my online interest. It almost didn't happen because my lil bro decided to go and get engaged :D and they did an engagement dinner Friday night. But luckily he didn't mind meeting up later, after the dinner.

So I met him at this local restaurant (he hadn't eaten)...and since I'd already eaten, I went on a liquid diet...I ordered a Dirty Martini, in true NOLA Gurl fashion. We got our drinks and food and talked...A LOT. He is so easy to talk to, nothing in particular came up just getting to know each other better. He is just super sweet and easy going, oh yea and he is kinda cute so I guess that explains the attraction, haha. Well after we sat there for a while with the waiters glaring at us beacuse they wanted to close up (we were not the only people in there but ya get the idea) he asked if I wanted to go see a movie.

Well we went to see Mirrors, that new Kiefer Sutherland movie, not bad. Anyways, while we were waiting for the movie to start we were being goofy. Again NO ONE in the theater when we got there (I guess they all started evacuating for Gustav :P). People showed up eventually but for a while it was just us. It was weird because we are very comfortable with each other so there was lots of teasing and joking, then all of a sudden he kissed me, he he he. It was nice, by the way he is very affectionate. Anyways like I said lots of joking and teasing, so after the kiss I said "Ya know, it's gonna be really hard to top the kiss in the rain", he said he'd take that as a challange, hehehe.

After the movie he walked me to my car and he kissed me again. It was sooooooo sweet. A little awkward though because 1. we were in a parking lot and kinda had an audience and 2. I didn't have on really big heels so I was REALLY short. He texted me later on "I had fun tonight. Goodnight and Sweet Dreams." Aw ;) haha.

I guess I don't know what to think. I was very apprehensive about meeting someone I met on Social Network site. I mean I am glad I did, he's not a far. It's just weird, I wasn't expecting to like him and want to see him again etc. I need to shut my brain off, haha. Well I am gonna go prepare for Gustav now...stupid hurricane :P

Monday, August 25, 2008

6th, 1st Date (I'm starting to lose count)

I'm on a streak...another good date, YAY!

Wow, I was not expecting to have so much fun. Okay, so I met this guy online (don't judge). We talked via social network site for a while, then I decided to give him my number. So we been talking on the phone and via text for a couple weeks. He seemed really nice, easy to talk to...and based on his pics kinda cute. My only reservation(s): I met him online, he works as a Manager at a home improvement store even though he has a degree and there was one physical thing (superficial I know but it stood out) he has a large forehead... but he still looked cute. Anyways so he finally asked me to go out this weekend.

After dinner at dads I went meet him for a movie. Tropic Thunder...HAHAHAHAHA so wrong in so many ways but Oh so funny!!!!! Anyways when he walked up I was like, why hello there; he was all stylish looking, very attractive. And he is REALLY tall. I had on 4 inch heels, and I came up to his shoulders, hahaha, I am so freaking short. Anyways we watched the movie and it was nice. He held my hand about half way through the movie. He seems very affectionate, I dunno it's just a vibe I got. Well after the movie we went hang out for a little while at this bar/grille, had a couple drinks and chatted.

We talked...ALOT. Just random things, ya know getting to know each other I guess. Well anyways, I completely lost track of time and before I knew it, it was 8:45. I had to go home, I have work early in the AM. We walked outside and were standing under this awning thing. We were waiting to see if the tropical storm going on outside would slack up enough for us to get to our cars. So we talked a little more and I shivered because it was quite windy and damp. So he put his arms around me and hugged me and it was really nice (I could just be attention starved but thats a whole other issue to blog about, haha). So we were standing there and I looked up and I think he was about to kiss me and both of us cracked up laughing because we heard the music from inside. It was Nelly, stepped on my J' just didn't fit with the moment.

Well we finally decided to make a dash for the cars, it had slacked up a bit but it was still a fairly steady drizzle. So we get to my car and I throw my purse and all inside. Well of course I am going to hug him and tell him good night he took me to the movies and drinks, I at least gotta say night. So I did and I looked up to say goodnight/thanks and this time he did kiss me
:). And I must say, he was the best thus far. It was very romantic, I mean, WOW. So there we were just the rain. Talk about getting lost in the moment. Anyways we finally said goodbye and I looked like a drowned rat but thats besides the point, haha. And I couldn't stop smiling, I wasn't supposed to like him, it was just a "sure why not, lets go on a date". I didn't plan on kissing him goodnight, that's not a guaranteed thing on a first date. Well after talking for a couple hours I kinda hoped we might but I totally didn't plan on it especially since it was raining.

So there ya go. I checked something off my must do before I die list, have a romantic kiss with a cute guy in the rain, hehehe. So all in all, I am thinking good date!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm confused...

Ever think something went so great and then realize maybe it didn't?

So as you know I went on a date with my BFF's cousin. I though it was great night but he didn't call. I don't expect a call in the next couple days but within a week of the date would be nice. Since I hadn't heard from him I was figuring maybe it really wasn't that great. So I tried to stop thinking about it and keep doing what I was doing (having fun, haha). Well he did FINALLY call, exactly a week from our date. Well it was around 8PM when he called and I had just sat down to watch Anastasia (because I am a dork like that). We talked for a sec and he asked what I was doing. I told him and he tried to make a joke but I dunno. He said "oh you watching that with your husband?" I was like huh, yea does my dog count, HA. He laughed, kinda, and then said he would let me go and to call him when it was over so maybe we could plan to do something over the weekend. Well I passed out on the couch and woke up like at 11:30 to go to bed. So I texted him that and said I would call him the next day.

So I did call him the next day (Friday) and he didn't answer so I left a message (which I never do, I HATE leaving messages). Well I didn't hear from him so I went ahead and planned my weekend out.

I was out with my chicas on Saturday and I texted him, just to be like, Uh hey hows ya weekend. No response. Um k, I give up. Well Sunday at like 8AM I got a text saying he was waiting for me to call and that he knew I was working Saturday so... I was half asleep but I responded, "No not this weekend, my friends B-Day dinner was last night." No response, um k. Well he called like at 1:00 but I was getting ready to go to dad's and didn't hear the phone. I called him back at like 1:30 and he said he was sleeping. So I said I could let him go. He said no thats ok. Then after like 30 seconds he asked if he could call me back because he was half asleep. I said sure. NEVER heard from him. Soooooooooooooooooo I dunno. We only went on one date but this no call/text back stuff is kinda annoying.

I guess we'll see but to me this all says not really that interested but I maybe like you a little. Does that make any did in my head but now that I read it not so sure, haha.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I am going to hell!

What do you do when you totally stick your foot in your mouth...without saying a word???

So I went meet a friend of mine for lunch (this would be good kisser from 2nd 1st date). He had been bugging me for weeks about these pictures I have. You see before him and I officially met, we evidently met. In conversation we discovered that we had met at a Halloween Party my sophomore year of College and he was dressed as a "Male Dancer" (8 years ago). I remembered some pics of a "Male Dancer" and he wanted me to scan them and email them to him. Well I kept forgetting. So finally last Friday I remembered and brought the photo album to work BUT I forgot to scan them...oops.

Flash forward to today. He calls me to go to lunch, so I said sure. There was no *Kissey Kissey* this time, I don't want to lead him on...I'm just not feeling it. After we ate he asked if he could look through the album. I said sure but mind you those are from more than just the Halloween party. So he is flipping through all the pics and I am still eating. He sees the ones from the Halloween party and said he remembered me and my friends. So he's laughing at all the pics and sees the 3-4 he showed up in. Then he asked me if he could scan them. I was like sure.

Ok, the photo album was full of captions and comments because thats when I had time to be creative ;) haha. So he is going through them taking out the ones of him and he stops dead in his tracks. I was like "what?" I looked at the picture he has stopped on and almost DIED! It was a pic of me, him and my BFF... the caption said "I dunno about you but I always thought "Male Dancers" would be much cutier..." He looked soooooooooooooo hurt and I felt sooooooooooooooo bad. Well then in true heartbreak fashion he starts with the "So you never found me was all a lie...I can't believe I thought you liked me...etc. etc. etc." I tried to apologize. I reminded him that I DID NOT know him at the time, it was 8 years ago and I was a stupid young college student. Still didn't help. He sat there just staring at me. I didn't know what else to say/do. I mean he really wasn't that cute back then. He was very skinny (not the skinny I like... I like muscular/lean skinny...he was bony), had bad poofy hair and kinda looked like a cheesy car salesman... so I am pretty sure thats why I put that caption. He doesn't look like that anymore :P well a little like a car salesman, but not THAT bad.

We are not in a relationship, nor did I ever think we would be. I mean we have fun together and he's a good kisser but I just don't feel a connection to him like that. I wouldn't mind it, he's a great guy, cute, super sweet and smart... DOH! So anyways by the time I had to leave and go back to work he said he had forgiven me and that he realized it was YEARS ago and we didn't know each other. But he still looked absolutely crushed.

So I am guessing we aren't even friends now. I doubt he will call/email me EVER again. I still feel really bad but what's done is done, can't change it now. My co-worker got a kick out of it...I guess it is a little funny, but not really, HA.

Friday, August 15, 2008

5th, 1st Date - I thought 3rd time was the charm...

OMG OMG OMG OMG?!?!?!?!?!?!

I had a good date! Seriously, it was good from beginning to end. Yay, about freaking time!

So this is the cousin of one of my friends (nice, I know). So I met him at his house and we went inside and he said "you know my parents, right?" which of course I know them, they are at all functions at my friends house. Anyways, I hear from the other room "HI NOLA GURL!" So I went to say hello. His mom was funny, as we were leaving she says "You two have fun tonight." Then giggled. It was a little uncomfortable at first but we started talking.

We went eat first at a seafood restaurant near the theater. Poor thing seemed exhausted but we talked and joked around a little. It was fun but kind of surreal because I have known him for a while and didn't ever look at him as someone I would/could ever date. But it was nice.

Well we went to the movie, Pineapple Express, which was FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!!!!! It was such a stoner movie but I loved it. We walked in and NO ONE was in the theater but us. Which was kinda uncomfortable because we were all alone in a dark theater on a first date. But right before the movie lots of people showed up. We sat really close in the movie but no hand holding. I think he wanted to but was unsure of how to maneuver it.

The movie let out kind of late so there was no going out after. We talked more on the ride back to his house, it was a bit more relaxed. Well we got to the house and he walked me to my car. I wasn't sure what was going to happen because I dunno...because I just wasn't sure. Well I went to hug him goodbye and he kissed me. I melted, it was weird at first but I dunno. It was nice, very sweet. Anyways I got in my car and was all giddy (I know I am a dork). Well when I was almost home I got a text "Just wanted to make sure you made it home safe. Thanks, I'd like to do it again sometime." Hehehe, that made me even more giddy because it was so sweet.

So my date did end up going very well. I was worried because he's my best friends cousin, so if things went badly I have to see him ALL THE TIME. I guess we'll see if there is a second date. For the first time I really hope there is one :) *sigh* I am such a dork.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

No one likes being lied to...

...even if the truth stings, right?!?

I swear I wonder what people are thinking sometimes...especially the one I currently live with. We are completely broken up, its just us living there as roommates until we sell the house or I get a better offer and move out. Which it can be weird at times BUT for the most part we are fine.

So where is my rant coming from. I don't like being blatantly lied to and yelled at, it annoys me no matter who is doing it. You see my 'roommate' recently added unlimited texting on his phone. Now, I have been BEGGING for 2 years for him to do this because I couldn't text him without getting fussed because he had to pay .10 (now more) every time. Anyways, the texting started, then more and more phone calls and the "I'm going have drinks with Co-workers" line. I've ignored it whatever.

Now I am dating people don't get me wrong. It's just not as obvious because I've always gotten lots of texts, calls and gone out. So it's really not a change for me. Like I said I've been ignoring the lies. But last Thursday he called me on his way home from his parents and said he was stopping to pick up food. Well lately that means what do you want. So I asked where he was stopping. He stumbled over his words and said he was stopping soon and would be done eating before he got home and he didn't want my food to get cold. Um ok, I get it, you are meeting someone, thats OK (but I never said any of that, just OK). Then like I said he adds unlimited texting. Last night OMG. He was in a texting war with someone, obviously a girl. How do I know this because I am a texting queen as are most of my girl friends, plus you can just tell.

Well he said something not nice about my family and you just don't do that. So I hit him where it hurts. I started telling him he was obviously becoming a-sexual and should not attempt to reproduce. That we did not need to pass his genes along etc. I know I know not very mature but I don't care anymore, haha. Anyways I messed with him a little about the excessive texting and he kinda got offended. And insisted it was a co-worker. I was like ok, I am just messing with ya.

Well flash forward to today. I have a HOT date tonight...with my best friends cousin. So I am a little nervous. Anyways, I told him I was going out tonight. I never said with anyone or where. Well he gets online earlier and says, "what time are you going out?" So I said when I was leaving and he replied, "I can go out too. I am meeting my co-workers for drinks." I was like ok. Well like I said I am tired of the charade. I know his co-workers, they do NOT get along, unless its some new interns which good for him. So I replied "So, what's her name ;) haha, just messin'." Well this threw him into a frenzy.
He said he doesn't want to be in a relationship, so he doesn't know why I would say that, blah blah blah....I was like dude chill it was a joke...

So of course to keep the peace I apologized and said, I didn't realize it was such a sore subject, I won't joke about it anymore. But that RIGHT there tells me he is going to meet a girl. People only freak when you catch them in a lie. Haha. Anyways, I said to have fun and he got insulted again. Dude I cannot win, he broke up with me, why is he flipping out??? I mean of course I am not comfortable with knowing he is dating but I am not crazy, we are not together, its expected. So anyways, hopefully my date goes well tonight ;) .

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bad things happen in threes...right?!

How many lemons is life going to give me at once???

Seriously I sometimes wonder what life has in store for me. So Saturday was this party thing we all threw for a friend of ours. It was a big hit, lots of fun. Since we had to clean up afterwards my buzz was gone long before I had to drive home. Well around 1:30 AM my friend brought a group of us to our cars and low and behold my front driver side tire is completely flat, like rim is on the ground! Well since I am not too much of a girly girl, I got my spare out and started to change it. Meanwhile my girly girl friends are snapping pics of me in my cute lil' dress changing a tire at 1:30 in the morning. When I finally get my tire off I see why its so flat...the tread has come off on the inside...NICE. At least it happened while it was parked otherwise, that would have been a blow out on the Interstate...yikes. So I get everything done, tighten the bolts on my spare and put the Jack spare is flat. I was like, guess I am sleeping over.

The next morning my friends husband took his air compressor to my car and filled my spare, he rocks like that!!! And it held air, a good sign. So I said my goodbye's and decided to take my car to Wal-mart to get a new tire. NO ONE had my tire in stock! I have a very normal little car with very normal little tires but not a Wal-mart or Sams in the city had my tire. So I headed home on my little doughnut.

Wait it gets better. Around 8-8:30PM I started to feel a little funny. It didn't take me long to realize I was going to be sick. As I was writhing in pain on my couch my friend texts me "anyone else sick?". I was like how the hell did she know. I barely finnished responding to her when I had to bolt to the bathroom and well, get sick. I felt like the exorcist, it was projectile, uncontrollable and PAINFUL! This continued ALL night long. It was awful!!! Around 3AM I actually grabbed my pillow and slept on the bathroom floor. I was DYING!!! I found out the next day that 1/2 the party was sick. We thought food poisoning but it took too long to hit AND people that ate the same things as us were not sick, so virus it is.

Well Monday morning I was supposed to go to court to fight a bogus speeding ticket (I was NOT speeding, I swear). I called to tell them my situation. The lady said "unless you have a Dr's note or a receipt from the ER you better get your butt over here." Freaking awesome. Well in my parish, traffic court it NOT organized, its first come first serve. I got there 20 min before my court time...there was a line wrapping around the building!!! I felt and looked like death. I finally get in the court room to talk to the DA and I kid you not, he started to go over my charge, stopped, pulled his glasses down and asked if I was OK. That tells you right there how sexy I looked. I pleaded with him and ended up only paying the court fee...YAY! He said to sit down and wait for the receipt, I asked if I could go to the restroom and he said sure. I bolted and well, take a guess what happened.

Mind you I still am driving on my stupid little spare. I called Goodyear near my house and they actually had my tires in stock, if I could have celebrated without vomiting I would have. The problem...I didn't have an appointment...which meant it could take ALL day before they get to it. There was no way I could sit there all day. I would have passed out. So I call my poor mom to tell her the situation. She drove all the way out to my house to pick me up from the mechanic. I still had to sit there a while to wait for her and at least 3 people came in the waiting room to see if I was OK.

All in all everything turned out OK. My stomach illness only lasted a couple days, I got out of the speeding ticket and I got my new tires. BUT I went through hell and back to get it all done. I just hope those were my three's because I am worn out and poor.