Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Lemon Grew Legs and Tried to Attacked Me...

It's not even October yet...right?

Last night I was exhausted, so when I went to bed I was OUT like a light. Around 12 - 12:30 I heard a noise. I rolled over and saw the hall bathroom light on. I was like "Oh, my 'roommate' had to potty, whatever." He was in there a while so his dog got upset and came in the bed with me. I was just starting to fall back asleep when his dog JUMPED from a dead sleep to up on all fours in a split second. This crazy motion scared me and I jumped. Then he started sniffing (hound dog style) all over the bed, the other dogs and me. If a dog can looked confused/scared, that was the look he had. So I am like what the hell stupid dog. Then all of a sudden the cat, who was sleeping by my head went into stalking mode staring in his direction. Suddenly she leaps OVER my dog and starts rolling all over the foot of the bed. By this time I was out of the bed and like WHAT THE HELL IS IN MY ROOM?!?!?!? Mind you all I had time to turn on, until now, was the TV so it was very dark. The cat stopped rolling, jumped off the bed and ran down the roommates dog followed but only to the gate (he can't jump over it like she can).

I checked the ENTIRE room. I didn't see anything, so I settled down and tried to go back to sleep. Before I could relax I hear this commotion in the hallway. Its his dog going ballistic and the cat darting up and down the hall. Well I finally got up and me and my roommate ran into each other trying to see what was going on but we can barely see anything and the hall light is broken. The cat is at our end of the hall...she goes into crouching tiger stance. Suddenly she darts down the hall leaps at least 3 feet into the air and pounces on something at the other end of the hall. She skidded 4-5 feet with whatever it was pinned under her front paws. After about, oh I dunno, a second she starts beating the living daylights out of the floor. Well we ran down the hall to see what it was a MASSIVE cockroach!!! And it was trying to get away from the psycho kitty that just tried to beat it into the floor, so what does it runs straight to ME! So now I am running down the hall going "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!". My roommate finally kills it and we all calm down. So all I can figure is it crawled on the dog (better him than me) and freaked him the heck out.

Well of course now I am totally freaked out because that is my phobia...I can deal with ANY other bug...not Roaches!!!!!! And it was in my bed...OMG!!!! So I tried to go to sleep but I was paranoid. I slept with the TV on, had in ear plugs (not bc of noise from the TV) and every few minutes I would get chills down my spine.

Well I FINALLY start to doze off again when I feel something touch my face..."AHHHHHHHH". I jumped up so fast but my two dogs had me pinned so I only sat up. I'm looking all over for another was a critter cat decided she wanted to was her whiskers. I wanted to kick her butt, she scared the cah cah outta me! So yea I didn't really sleep good last night.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Drunk Dialings Bad, mmmk

Yea, we've all done it, HUSH!

The thing is I usually only drunk dial my friends...not last night, oh no I decided it was a good idea to drunk dial my internet guy. Who else here thinks that's a good one... ya sure? OK so here's the scoop.

Last night we went out for 4 of my friends birthdays. We decided to get them all done at once. So we went out to dinner. It was so much fun. We were just cutting up and talking about everything you could think of. I swear the older women next to us blushed a few times because of the topics of conversation, ah hem. Anyways at dinner we each had 2 martinis (yum). Then afterwards for some ungodly reason we decided we wanted to go hang out at a bar for a while.

So there we are drinking lots of beer and doing SHOTS, yes that's right I said shots. Who thinks its a good idea to do shots on a work night? Well evidently we thought it was a great idea last night :P. At some point my brain kicked in and I decided to check the time, it was 1AM... holy crap, I have to getup at 6am!!! So we all immediately left.

This is when my bright idea kicked in o_O. After dropping off one of the B-day girls I called my internet guy (at this point it was one fifteen in the morning). The funny part was that he actually answered, HA.

So we proceeded to have this "conversation"...let me rephrase that I proceeded to jabber and he laughed at me...A LOT. If you don't know I am a closed book when it comes to certain things. I do not talk openly about Sex, my sex life, etc etc etc with newbies. My girls, hell we have some crazy talks but new guy...yea not so much.

Well we had this talk...over the phone...while I was not drunk so to say but buzzing really good. Don't ask me how this came up but we talked about how many people we'd had SEX with, how long those relationships were, we talked about both being 'clean', the list goes on and on. At some point I made reference to the dress I was wearing and how I thought I needed help getting it off of me and I am pretty sure I asked for his assistance...seriously what was I thinking, haha. Anyways this morning when I crawled out of bed to go to work the converstaion came flooding back and well YEA I wanted to crawl in a hole, so I texted him saying "thanks for listening to my dumb ass last night, hope I wasn't too silly for you." He called, while I was driving to work. He is way too sweet, ahhhhhhhh. He said he loved talking to me and was glad I called. I told him I was so embarrassed (cuz I was) about the topics of conversation. He said I had nothing to be embarrassed about he said he was getting a kick out of me and thought it was adorable. OMG really?! He said he's kinda glad I talked about it while a little tipsy because it wasn't unconfortable at all, I was cracking jokes the whole time. Yáll know me I get goofy when I am "drunk". So he made me feel better so to say but I still feel like an A$$! I called this guy I actually kinda like and had a 30 minute converation with him about all kinds of sex stuff.

I am a goob! Haha.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I don't know what to think...

No really I'm a little confused!

OK so I went on yet another date with my Internet guy. He asked me to come over to his place to watch a movie/dinner. I was a little apprehensive about this one because we all know what most men think when a girl is coming over for the first time AND he lives with his mom and lil brother. I was trying to find every excuse in the book not to go. He somehow talked me into it!!!

I got there and I meet his mom and bro, which is WEIRD for me because I usually do not meet family members until we have been dating for a while. We've been talking since the very end of July and its only the beginning of September...not nearly long enough. Anyways, his mom had cooked. It was really good too. They left us to eat it was me him and their 3 little yippy dogs that barked at me the entire time. After we ate his mom was like I hope your not scared of them, I was like oh no, I have 3 VERY big dogs, ankle biters do not phase me - haha, its true!

A bit later he asked me if I wanted to go watch a his room. Can I just tell you how awkward that was for me?!? Its like "hey mom, I'm gonna take this girl you just met to my bedroom, k lata." I know, I know we are adults but its still uncomfortable. Not to mention what went through my head...we all know what goes on in the bedroom, ah hem.

We started watching a movie and I layed down the law REAL quick. He wasn't pushy or anything but he was a little touchy feely so, I figured I needed to make sure we were on the same page.

Don't get me wrong there was alot of making out but thats as far as it went. But then the weirdest thing happened. He looked at me, told me how much he liked me, how amazing he thought i was and wasn't sure how I felt but wanted to see if I wanted to take things to the next level. I think I gave him a funny look because he back tracked quickly and said "or we can get to know each other better and see what happens." I nodded to that part but I was confused. What was he talking about?!? Was he propositioning me for sex or was he asking me out? I really wasn't sure... I thought I made it clear sex was something that was out of the question...for a while, THATS a big step for me, especially if I like someone. So what was it, he never clarified what he was asking, he just snuggled up to me and we finished watching the movie.

I do not know what to think... any suggestions?!?!?!

Friday, September 5, 2008

It's always fun sitting in the dark...not so much!

Ever wonder if mother nature is a B$%^*? Answer: YES!

So it's Friday, fours days since Gustav made landfall and effed up all my labor day plans!!! I have been working EVERYDAY since the hurricane 10+ hours a day. Sitting in the garage of my office with the owner, CFO, dispatcher, 3 drivers, 1 IT guy and Lil' Ole me. No power...just a generator running a few fans, a printer and a laptop...IT'S HOT AS HELL! Today the rest of the office is here, and we have power to the building on generator now but no A/ yea. It's been interesting.

Anyways the past week I have been living at my grandparents house because its closer to work, they have no power and I don't want them alone AND there is no power at my house anyways. So every night after work, I got stopped by the national guard and had to convince them I was working and not blatantly violating curfew, went to g-parents house, helped g-maw cook dinner (gas stove and H2O heater - THANK GOD) and sat in the dark...YAY! Well everynight my internet guy called me. And we talked for hours. So we really got to know each other even more through long phone calls and texts. And everynight before bed he texted me Goodnite, with some sweet message in it. I know I am making you nausaus with cuteness right now right ;) haha.

Well anyways I am heading home tomorrow, I don't care if I have no power. If I'm gonna be in the dark it might as well be in my own house so I can clean things up! Hope I get power back soon... ):