Monday, March 22, 2010

Why ask for my advice if you aren't going to listen???

I don't even know why I answered the phone. . .well technically I didn't answer on purpose but that's besides the point. You know who called today. . .ya know my ex roommate person. Well I said hello and it was downhill from there.

He complained about his job, like he always does when I actually answer, and this time I just wasn't in the mood to be calm. I kinda lost it. He always talks about this Executive that he has issues with at his new job out of state. According to him this person does not know what they are talking about and they are out to get him. As I calmly listened at first then he said "you know you used to be better at this whole advice thing." That was the mythical straw that broke the camels back. I said everything I'd been holding back.

I basically told him that this Executive is his boss and he has to play nice and I know from previous experience he doesn't know how to do that. He said he's never been rude to their face, to which I replied "One of their 'minions' , as you so kindly call them, told them you are impossible to work with. . .I am certain that affected her opinion of you at least a little." He said they just don't like being challenged and think they are always right. I was like so kind of like you...?

Long story short he is ready to leave this job he's only been at for 6 months all because he hates this executive and because the person that hired him left and went to a new company. . .he says "I moved there because of this guy not because I liked this company". Wow, really. . .WTF?! But the kicker is he doesn't want to jump to a new job because of the house. OK, I'm sorry what? How does owning 1/2 a house in another state affect you getting another job???

This is what he envisions. Walking into this Executive's office and saying paying me X amount of money or I am out. . .AFTER they already made it clear he's overpaid. I suggested NOT doing that but I am stupid and don't 'understand'. So he figures he'll be asked to leave, he doesn't plan on having another job in the wings so he plans on moving back here. He wil not have a job and he will fix the house in 4-6 weeks. . .the same house he had over 2 years to fix. Anyone see where my annoyance is coming from???

I of course argued BAD idea not just because I don't want him here but also because that is just DUMB. But he sees no issue with it. . .like its the most normal thing a person could say. His reason is, it will get done because he wants to get the house sold; get me taken care of; so he can buy a house where he is now....because (here is the kicker) he misses his dog!!! OK so you want to throw away your job, in this economy, because you want to fix a house you didn't bother fixing before because you want to buy a new house...WITHOUT a job so you can bring your dog with you. Makes sense right...?

Well I don't need a taking care of...I am just fine. The house I will HAPPILY fix but I still do not have the $$$ form the insurance company although he tells me "I'll make sure you get some of your money back..." What the hell does that mean?!?!!? To me that means, " I spent the money and don't want to send you a check for $$$$."

Ok thats my rant for the day. . .I am so annoyed!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I was being stung from the inside out. . .

Ok so it was just a dream . . . but how weird is this. . .

It was a very short but detailed dream. It was a gorgeous, sunny, spring day. I was sitting on a couch/lounger outside with my friends laughing and being silly as usual. During one of the outbursts of laughter I swallowed a WASP. Like you know how if your walking and talking and you swallow a nat. . .something like that but it was a WASP! I said "Oh my God I think I just swallowed a Wasp." As I cough and gagged trying to get it out. Friend twin 1 said "Oh you'll be fine. You'll digest it, no biggie...mmmm a little extra protein. Hahaha". I said "I dunno, I think I can feel it moving around..." I mean I could feel it in the dream like CRAWLING around in my stomach and it was the absolute weirdest feeling ever. I think a day went by and I swore I could still feel it and everyone was like you are CRAZY!

Then it happened. The most horrifying, painful thing happened. I bent over to pick something up and I was stabbed. . .from the inside out. I could see the stinger poking out of my abdomen and then suddenly it retracted. Then came out again in another area a little to the left. Same thing about 3 or 4 times. I was flipping out!!! My friends and boyfriend were like you are fine, no need to stress about it. I said "I am being stung by wasp that is inside of me!!!!!!" I said I think I need to go to the Dr. They all disregarded me and the conversation was done. Well this continued for the next day or so. Random stabbings whenever I would move weird and piss it off. But they were getting lower in my abdomen so I thought it was moving through my digestive system. I was like "It's not dying and I don't want to know whats going to happen when it gets to the, um end..."

Finally I convinced my boyfriend (younger guy) to bring me to the ER to have it removed. He said he would bring me but I'd have to wait till he got off of work. Well I was in my house waiting patiently trying not to move so I wouldn't get stabbed, when I had a "stomach attack" which is caused by my digestive issues. As I was attempting to NOT succumb to that call of nature I had a shooting pain in my back/side area. Then an uncomfortable feeling in my pants. No, I did not crap myself :P but when I pulled down my sweat pants I had a very much alive, BIGGER than average Wasp perched on my butt WALKING around. It was at least 1.5 inches long and about an inch thick. I vividly remember the feel of the insect legs on my skin *shudder*. Then out of NO WHERE my dumb dumb rottweiler snatches it off of me and runs off with his new 'toy'. I pulled up my pants and ran after him. He somehow got out the back door. He was trying to hide his face from me so I couldn't take it away. Meanwhile I am yelling, "Let it go dog. . . please. . . it's going to sting you!!!!" Then I woke up. Now what in the world do you make of that one...?