Monday, March 30, 2020


Unless you are an essential worker.  In that case, you are my f**king hero and I don't know how we can every ever repay you for what you are doing to keep us healthy, fed, safe, etc during this INSANITY.

Also, in case you are actually 100% uneducated...just because your area doesn't have any/many reported cases yet DOESN'T MEAN JACK $HIT!  We had zero cases and now we are off the charts.  Take the f**king precautions NOW!  Pretend like everyone you meet is infected.  That way the few cases you do have don't explode into this Bull$hit happening around me.  I am now "locked" in until after my Birthday and am going to need copious amounts of wine/whiskey at some point. 

Note - Screw all you dip$hits that went party for St Paddy's Day AFTER they told us not to.  And the ding dongs that had a second line or crawfish boil this past weekend.  You are part of the problem and should be sterilized.

So in conclusion....STAY HOME!  Oh and wash your f**king hands you nasty creatures.

Rant Over......I need a drink.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

I will never understand humanity/group think

Why oh why can't people just LISTEN!?!  I've been MIA because I don't know what to say.  But now as the $hit is literally hitting the fan, I don't know what to do with myself.

I am scared, honest to God scared.  This is serious and there are f**ktards out there still going on Spring Break, Still having parties, still pretending things are okay. Well newsflash they ARE NOT OKAY.   

COVID-19 is not a joke.  I've made my fair share of jokes but I 100% believe this is serious.   And now we are under lockdown.  Mainly because people can't freaking listen.  Our hospitals are basically overwhelmed.  And while it is possible I would be fine if I caught it, people I love may not be.  I am scared for my friends and family in medical.  For my family and friends who are older.  For my family and friends who are high risk.  I am scared!

And not to cause any additional panic but so should you!  Regardless of your beliefs, political or otherwise...I can't believe the government would intentionally tank the economy for something that isn't serious.  Whole Industries are disappearing overnight.  People are being laid off.  People are losing their sources of income.  People are DYING! And what are the masses doing?  Hoarding f**king Toilet Paper and tampons!!!!

This is a rambling jumble of thoughts but I am at a loss.  I am scared and I hate it.  I don't want my parents going to the store for fear they will DIE!  Do you idiots out there understand that???  Gen Z or whatever the college age people are who still went on spring break.  Or what about those "rich folks" from infected areas who went to their vacation homes and spread the virus to remote areas.  Or those parents who see school being out as a time to go on vacay. STOP THE INSANITY!

I'm going to bed now.  I'm going to try to sleep.  But I don't know if I will because all I can f**king think about is me and/or my husband losing our jobs because MY ENTIRE F**KING STATE IS LOCKED DOWN!

Can't we use some common sense???
Stop hoarding $hit!
If you just buy what you would normally buy, there would be no empty shelves. 
Flatten the f**king curve!
Seriously, why the hell do you need 200 rolls of TP????  This virus doesn't make you $hit yourself to death! 
Wash your hands! 
You know if I can't buy soap/hand sani that makes you more vulnerable because I can't be as clean....STOP HOARDING!
Don't touch your face! 
No one needs 32 loaves of bread, come on people!!!!
Did I mention STAY THE F**K HOME!