Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Turtles do not belong in there!!!

So I saw this:

What did I say last time?!?!! Why does this keep happening!??!?!

Then I read the article and...


"Doctors found a small dead turtle in her vagina, which caused a “serious infection,”"

"The 26-year-old woman said she had been partying with a group of British friends a few days earlier but doesn’t remember what happened that night,”

Did...did the "friends" put it in there????

Who....who does that?!?!?!? 

Who does that to a "friend", no less!?!?!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thor is an @$$hole

Sooooo I have this car.  This car that I've been paying on for a few years.  This car that I really like. Anyways, this car is paid off as of Tuesday.

The universe being the b**ch that she is decided to mess with me.  We are in a bit of a dry spell thanks to Florence.  I think the chance of rain all this week is less than 10%. LESS THAN 10%!!!!

Imagine my surprise when I was driving home Tuesday AFTER MAKING MY LAST CAR PAYMENT and seeing rain.  Meh, okay...stupid summer shower.  Stupid summer shower that turned into a mini hurricane!

It went from "oh its sprinkling" to "JFC I can't see the road" in like two seconds.  With the blinding rain was the most ridiculous light show I have seen it in some time.  It was like drunk Thor trying to shock Loki while he's sleeping. 

Great, fine...I'll just drive 10 mph down I10.  I was singing along with Hamilton.  "What as that?"  *singing* "Seriously, WTH was that...?" *turns down radio* *ping, ping* 

*ping ping ping ping*

"Is that f**king hail?!?!" *ping ping ping ping PING

"Stop it!!!!!  God dammit, I just paid this f**king car off!!!!!" 

The rain stopped, the sun came out, and a rainbow shown across I10.  "are you mocking me!?!?!?"

So yea...I paid off my stupid car and drove through a hail storm when there was a literal 10% chance of rain and then a rainbow popped up.

The universe got jokes.....

Side note - No damage...whew!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Wasn't that, that God in that Movie...?

No no not the shoe...

Right?!?!!  Wasn't it...?

Oh wait... Jobu, Jambu...close enough

I need to go watch Major League again....

I've seen it enough times I could quote it

Before he sold Allstate

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Paranoia is a mental illness...right?

Well its usually a symptom of a worse mental illness but.... 

I understand psychology.  I understand mental illness.  I understand things aren't easy.  I am very understanding and patient.  But its hard for me to wrap my brain around EXTREME paranoia. 

At some point in our lives we all get a little paranoid.  In a person without illness its usually warranted.  Meaning something happened that made you, a logical person, think "Hmmmm, that's odd"

WE HAVE ALL HAD THIS. And many times our suspicions are correct.  not always, sometimes we just look cookoo but whatever. 

What drives me a bit nuts is unwarranted extreme constant paranoia.  I try.  I really do.  But the triggers are so sensitive I don't know what to do.

Example, after two calls and three texts unanswered, concern turns into angry paranoia.  "I know they aren't answering me because they are mad because of _____"

Something ridiculous that makes no sense but to them its the obvious reason they aren't responding.

I try to be the anchor.  I try to "talk them down" with logic.  Not being an @$$hole just offering an alternative explanation.  I am ALWAYS told I am wrong and I just don't understand.  And 99% of the time, I am right.
This is a minor example.  Things have gotten REALLY hairy in recent years, so I did some research.

"Symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of fear, anger, and betrayal. Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of paranoia include mistrust, hypervigilence, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative."

"It can be difficult to treat a person with paranoia since symptoms result in increased irritability, emotionally guardedness, and possible hostility. "

I can see that but I really really really think something is wrong but I don't know what to do.  Its gotten worse with age.  I'm not trying to make light of this...I'm really just at a loss. 
I mean they hold grudges (like 30+ year grudges).  Everyone is ALWAYS out to get them.  Nothing wrong in their life is their fault, its always someone else's fault.  Anyone that disagrees is "working against them" in order to "prove they are incapable of *pick something*"
I'll figure something out... I am just so tired....