Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Excuse me ma'am but your vagina appears to be sticking it's tongue out at me

This week on "who let that go to market?!?"

No but really look closer...
I love me some minions but that is just POOR placement!  Yea it's off center so it makes it a little better but it is off center from that lady's hoohah and I just don't feel comfortable.  For gods sake, his tongue is pink! And its in the right vicinity...and all I can think of is a clam...and *shhhh* It's like her vag is trying to seduce me!  *growl*

My first thought, "OMG just move the image a little higher!!!" A tongue coming out of the stomach area is much more acceptable in my book.  But them I realized if they weren't careful with that we would be accentuating her tatas with those bulbous minion eyeballs.  But I find that I am more okay with that, than this. 

In case you want to use a minion dress to draw attention to your Garden of Eden, you can get one here for under $20.  I like the idea and I would have totally worn it but all I can think now is "But, but people will be looking at my lady parts *whimper*" and that just makes me uncomfortable. 


Side NoteSince I am about the height of a minion this could actually work on me. . . the dress might rest JUST low enough so that the tongue isn't quite "hey look at my peesh!"

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