Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Crying wolf is not okay

Why do people think this is okay?  You can’t cry wolf for every little thing!!!  Don’t you know the story??? Basically,  Kid screams wolf all the time when there isn’t a wolf. People become numb to it and when there actually is a f**king wolf, no one believes him!

Not everything is an emergency.  How the hell am I supposed to know when it’s real or not?!  I hate hate hate games.  I hate wasting my time on stupid $hit. I hate looking crazy because you are crazy!

If you tell me an animal hasn’t eaten in 24-48 hrs and isn’t moving much, I’m jumping into action.  I’m looking for vets.  I’m looking for best possible routes.  I’m looking for a solution!  So when you say “oh just kidding he’s walking around now” I am going to be an @$$hole to you.  Do not be shocked by this!

I’ve just wasted an hour...MY LUNCH HOUR... trying to help you and it was all because...why?  You made it sound like the thing was on its death bed and I am over here wondering wtf you are doing calling me!  So yea, I’m mad.  Yea I’m pissy.  Yea I am being a b**ch.  Next time I won’t jump to help.  And next time it could be serious.

Why am I the f**king only adult here?!?  You are 30 yrs my senior, quit acting like a spoiled clueless damsel in distress.  Put your big girl panties on and use the small computer in your pocket and do something!!!

I’m done.  I hate people.  I’m going back to work.