Thursday, March 28, 2013

I think I spooked myself. . .

Ok so I am now home, right?  Well like the day before we moved my hubs and I were cleaning alone, at night in our empty home.  We took a break to eat and while we were talking in the kitchen we heard something fall in the back of the house.  It scared the crap out of us, since there is really nothing in here that could fall! We did rock, paper, scissors to see who got to investigate. . . I lost.  As I'm walking down the hall to the back there was a loud noise like something fell in the room I was passing.  I screamed, my hubs came running and we started joking about ghosts.  We both watch shows like Supernatural, Ghost Hunters and other such shows.  So hubs being the silly childman he is said "if there is someone here with us knock three times" and started laughing.   We continued our search and as we peeked into the hall bathroom we heard another noise that sounded like a knock.  We both got the frissons.  So he said "we were talking knock again", immediately there was a noise in the wall right next to me.  I freaked out and we decided to leave.

We moved in and a day or so later found out we had a sewage line break/blockage which from what I've been told can cause "knocking" in the pipes due to trapped air/gas or something like that.  Ahhhhh ok our ghost was a sewer issue.  Mystery solved.

A few days later I was home alone and kept hearing a noise.  It was like rustling paper but there were no fans on and the a/c heater was off.  I searched around but couldn't find anything.  Then it stopped so whatever, right.  And here and there I would here stuff over the next few days.  You know like something fell but I've been attributing it to a messy house and a curious kitty.

Tonight I am sitting on my couch watching "the woman in black". Well it's a very jumpy movie so I was already a little tense lounging on my couch.  When suddenly a stuffed "screaming monkey" doll, started screeching as if someone slammed it. The reason I am a bit wigged out is that monkey hasn't worked in quite sometime and its just hanging on a lamp...on the other side of the room...and no animals were near it.  I squeaked, my cat puffed out like a pipe cleaner and one of the dogs growled.

So as I type this I am a ball of anxiety.  I am wondering if a playful spirit has taken residence since we were gone for 6 months or maybe I'm insane.  Maybe we will never know.  So here I sit...alone...watching Fright Night because apparently I don't ever want to sleep again.

Hopefully, I don't had anymore suspicious happenings tonight.

Monday, March 18, 2013

I clicked my heels and said over & over. . .

 . . .there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

Then six months and eight days later someone heard me and said "Oh my bad, go home gurl!".  Yes that's right I am weird to say but I am finally back in my house.  It was a nightmare of a process and I know there are many others that are still fighting the good fight but I made it to round 6, company went down and I am no longer homeless.

Now all I have to do is make it more homey.  I dust daily and there is still a layer of Sheetrock dust on everything (ah the joys of remodeling :P).  I swear I empty one box and turn around and there are 3 more.  How are they multiplying?!  I didn't know my Lowe's boxes were capable of reproduction.  That and my personal items seem to have expanded as well.  I guess they had nothing else to do in the storage unit except make more of themselves.  With that said I am going to have one heck of a haul to Goodwill because all this crap is not coming back in...only the necessities. 

We decided to go with all carpet.  Which is awesome because our fur babies shed like there is no tomorrow.  But holy cold floor Batman!  I swear our house is 10 degrees cooler which in the summer will be awesome but right now I am on a mission to find my slippers, burr!  We will also be purchasing a few area rugs but we are loving the no carpet thing. 

I am still having one minor fight.  The individual that is still on the loan (which will change as soon as I can refinance) is giving me a migraine.  He is refusing to sign the final check saying he wants proof of work done.  As in detailed invoices from my contractor.  The only reason I can see him wanting this is because he plans on keeping some of the final check so he can profit off of my loss.  What a douche!  As long as the house is repaired and actually better than is was before. . . what is the big deal.  I am not making a profit.  I depleted my savings so that I could get the work completed.  Otherwise the final check would have taken forever and my contractor would have stopped work and I would not be home yet.  I told him this in a few more words and he stopped replying.  I have no idea what that means.  He is not entitled to the check.  I paid for the insurance, I live there, I handled all the BS and I have a gaping hole in my savings.  I'm talking like a $8,000 hole in there.  This is like my life so far savings (so 30 years of saving, whatever).  Its only fair that the $8,000 be put back in there...right.  And whatever is left is going to the stupid sewage problem we recently had fixed, a new fence, new exterior doors and painting the exterior. Oh and part of it is going to the Aunt and Uncle that let us live in their condo for FREE for 6 months.  They are still paying the mortgage and didn't charge us a dime.  I think we owe them something!

So I guess I am still fighting the good fight, my opponent just changed back to the one I've been fighting since 2007. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

That was NOT Alex Cross!!!

I hate when movies BASED ON BOOKS stray so far from the story that you wonder why they even bother to connect it to the book. 

Okay, if you know anything about me, you know I am an avid reader.  A good portion of my free time is spent reading various genres.  Once such genres is Crime/Mystery.  I have read every Alex Cross book and am waiting (not patiently) to be able to justify buying Alex Cross, Run.  Since I enjoyed watching the Kiss the Girls movie and Along came a Spider, I figured this one being supervised by Mr. Patterson would be at least good. 

Side Note - Morgan Freeman is not how I picture my favorite Psychologist/Detective/FBI Agent but I like him as an actor and thought he did a pretty decent job of representing the idea of Dr. Cross. 

When I heard who they cast as Alex, I was leery but I gave him a chance.  He still didn't come close to the image my mind created. . . Alex is slender but muscular...he's tall...he's sexy and he's suave...not to mention he is a freaking genius! 

The scene opens, they are chasing a perp through a warehouse...exciting.  Yea looked like Dr Cross was about to have a heart attack from running.  Look I like Tyler Perry but he just isn't the right actor for the role.  Then the movie went on and I spent 75% of it trying to figure out which book they were trying to portray.  Apparently its supposed to be based on the book named "Cross" and it was so far from the book it wasn't even funny.

Where to start...oh I dunno lets start with it takes place in Detroit...DETROIT!!!  Alex Cross lives in D.C., he has always lived in D.C. And in Cross the book he is leaving the FBI where in the movie he is about to leave the police to join the FBI.  Then there is the whole his wife Maria is alive and she is preggars with little Alex.  Then she is killed by Picasso.  Yes in the book there are flashbacks to Maria but she isn't alive. Its a flashback. . . Maria is dead when the first book comes out.  He is a single father living with Nana Mama and raising his 2 older kids.  Then he meets Christine and SHE has little Alex and gives him to Alex to raise because she cannot.  Plus while in the movie Picasso is a bit disturbing and Matthew Fox did a decent job of portraying that but its not the same killer in the book.  The villain in the book is The Butcher who is just royally f****d up and there are unsolved rapes...and the girls are sometimes left alive but won't speak of said rapes.  And it all somehow links to Maria, sort of.  It seems like a whole different thought process.  Also, Perry just didn't make me believe he was a crime solving genius.  He's more of a funny man, which Alex is not.  Yes he is quick witted but not like what Perry depicted.  Oh and don't forget another pet peeve...John Sampson is his childhood BFF...not Tommy whatever.  Unless I missed something.  I may have to re-read and make sure.  While the books I don't think even say Sampson is black, they elude to him being as tall as Alex and more muscular...not exactly what they showed in the movie.  One more thing, Nana Mama in the books is Alex's the movie it seems the elude that she is his mother.  But part of Alex's personality is created because he was raised by Nana Mama instead of his mother. I know its difficult to fit a whole novel in 2 hours but its almost like they didn't even try.  I thought previous Alex Cross movies paid enough homage to the original stories.  I mean I saw Kiss the Girls before I read the book and Casanova scared the living daylights out of me. 

So if you've never read an Alex Cross novel the movie isn't bad. . . its not great but it's watchable.  Honestly they probably could have shown a better representation of Patterson's famous detective if they would have just made this rated R.  I know they were trying to pull in more audience but the Cross series villains are disturbing to say the least.  To water it down to PG-13 just takes away the suspense created in the stories. Alex Cross the movie is more of a high level summary pulled from various books.  And to be honest, its not done very well.  It's very choppy and doesn't always make sense, leaving the consumer wondering why they are even wasting their time.  If you have read any Alex Cross books DO NOT WATCH THIS!  You will be fuming by the end.  Like I said, this is not my Alex Cross.