Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Prejudice goes both ways....

I know the old adage is don't judge a book by its cover.  And most times (in real life and movies) its the popular people judging the nerdy/different people.  But that isn't always the case.

In High School I skirted the line.  I wasn't popular but I wasn't unpopular.  I was a super nerd into science and sci-fi but I was also on the dance team.  Basically I got along with most people.  There were occasions where I was picked on but it was few and far between at that point.  (In grammar school...PICKED ON WAY MORE.)  And I tried my hardest to not be associated with people who targeted and hurt others. 

With that said I had no idea some people thought poorly of me.  I found out recently that a band girl thought poorly of me just because I was on the dance team.   I am well into my 30's and had no idea.  Our paths crossed again and she was rude/mean to me and I couldn't figure out why.  Like I would say something and she would have a snarky or rude comment.  Would put me down in front of "her" friends.  Would basically try to make me feel bad about even speaking.  I was hurt and appalled that an adult who was picked on in HS would be such a bully and she has THREE kids...talk about setting an example.  Especially someone I thought was kind and I was always kind to. 

Finally I found out she thought because I was a dance team girl IN HIGH SCHOOL that I was not capable of being kind to anyone who wasn't popular IN HIGH SCHOOL so she was mean to me.  WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K?!?!? She thought in HS when I was being nice, that it wasn't genuine.  That I was trying to get "points" for being nice to the band geeks.  That I was FRIENDS with "nerds" to up my status.  The list was f**king insane. 

My BEST FRIEND was a "band nerd".  I hung out with boys from the band not just the dance team, cheerleaders, and football players.  I was friends with everyone.  I was so hurt that someone even thought that stuff about me.  Then I found out that the reason "her" friends were standoffish with me is because she convinced them people like me weren't actually nice, it was all a front. 

Are you serious right now?!?!  This is a type bullying also, just saying! And I wasn't the one putting on a "front".  I have removed myself from that situation.  I might have been semi-popular in HS but that doesn't mean I deserve to be treated horribly by a "victim".  I never judged her...EVER...but she judged me just because of a stupid stereotype.

In conclusion, people suck!     

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Shine bright like a diamond


All I see is....

Side note - I STILL LOVE THAT SONG... *end transmission*

Also, I am 99.9% certain I owned glitter sunscreen back in the 90's and it didn't end well for me....

...SPF 30 MY @$$!!!!

Sooooo excuse me if I don't trust the "SPF 50" it claims....

Also, all I can imagine is a bunch of Twihards running around the beach claiming to be a brooding 200 y/o teenage vamp.

Looking back...what even was Twilight?!?!?

Side side note - No one "hated" Twilight more than the main star...
And I have to agree.  Can't believe I am admitting this...*sigh* I read the books...I saw the movies... why.did.he.have.to.chew.the.baby.out.of.her?!?!?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The devil does...crafts?

Oh look Luci made an Etsy page!

I kid I kid.  It was my first thought, so sue me.

Cool stuff either way, link.  I don't see those on the site anymore but cool stuff none the less.

Side Note: This show....UGH this show....GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

I can't stop laughing....*snort*

I was on Pinterest and this popped up in my feed...two posts...side by side... and all I can see is The Doctor judging the mannequin's exposed boobie.

Or maybe he's checking it out...who knows. 

Either way he's looking right at it and having thoughts. 

I know I know its a nursing dress but at first glance it looks like the latest fashion craze..."check out my under boob"

And don't say that is preposterous...remember this?!?!!?

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Keep your religious bull$hit to yourself before you hurt someone!!!!!!!

I don't care what peeps think...usually.  But when it could potentially cause harm to someone...I have an issue.

Saw this:

Okay, while I do agree for a while people were over medicated and misdiagnosed....these diseases do exist!!!!!!!!

What is funny is I saw this posted today....
Make up your f**king mind...do you think its real or not?!?!!?  My point is the first statement(s) about ACTUAL mental disorders not existing is bad.  They aren't lies.  They are REAL.  You may believe God made us who we are but that doesn't mean we have to live with serious illnesses.  I can't imagine God wanting us to suffer.  Are you going to tell me "God made you with cancer therefore don't treat it"?  NO!  Or that "God created you with depression so you would take your own life"?  NO!  First off Suicide is just an awful thing, and second... I mean it is frowned upon by God...."According to the theology of the Catholic Church, death by suicide is considered a grave matter, one of the elements required for mortal sin."  Suicide=Bad

Generally speaking...this FB post is stupid!!!!

Those aren't LIES.  They are real, just as real as any other illness and those people need help.  I'm sorry but prayer alone and "acceptance" can't fix a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE in the brain.  You don't have to suffer because "God made you broken", you just have to learn to fix what HURTS you and live your life. 

Religion is fine...great...faith=good but this $hit PISSES ME OFF