Monday, July 6, 2015

Apparently Angry Birds is based on some factual data

I am not suggesting you go catch a bunch of wild birds and slingshot them at oversized Lincoln Log creations with really fat green pigs to test this theory, but their representation of cardinals is SPOT ON!

At least I am assuming this is a Cardinal
To me that looks like an exaggerated cardinal so *pleeft*.  Also, I've encountered cardinals in my yard who wanted nothing more than to peck my eyes out and they had a similar stare...
Not my pic
With that said when I got to work today I heard a ruckus coming from the side parking lot.  As I've stated before I really need to know when to leave well enough alone but I am curious by nature so I investigated.  I saw a small red streak flitting back and forth between two pickups. WTH?!? Then I realized what it was doing.  That ANGRY little bird was ATTACKING the other know, his reflection.

He was hella pissed too! "I'ma kill you Mother F**ker!!!!"
Not my picture, I couldn't get near the damn thing
I inched closer and that's when he saw me.  "Uh oh!"
Not my pic
*running in heels*...*screeeeeech*..."OMG!!!!! *run-crouching with hands over head*" I got in the building right as it came up behind me!  I closed the door which happens to be glass and that f**ker landed on the handle outside and STARED at me. "Holy crap!  I think that thing actually wants to kill me!"  Before I could get my phone out it chirped, pecked at the glass a couple times, and flew off *whew*.  Oh well, I guess it will go back to attempting to murder its reflection.

*10 minutes later* "*screaming* What the f**k!!!!! *slam*" I crept out of my office to see my boss...completely disheveled...she said she was chased by a bird from her car to the building....hmmm apparently he is NOT content with only murdering his reflection. What if he's still out there at lunch time...

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