Monday, October 5, 2020

Where do these come from!?!?

Dream story time.  

I have a recurring dream.  I hear those in movies and on podcasts but I don't know anyone else personally that actually has a recurring dream.  

Its not...its not a bad dream but odd and very real.  

Hubs and I are on vacation.  We are in Europe.  I'm thinking England based on most of the accents.  Much of it is a blur but the feelings are strong.  We are having fun.  So much fun.  I remember laughing and smiling and feeling so happy. 

At an outdoor cafe a man at the table next to us asks if we are interested in going to a fancy dress party.  He has tickets but sadly is leaving town before the party.  We say we don't have anything THAT fancy.  It's not like I travel with a ball gown *shrug*.

As we finish our meal, the waitress comes over and says there is a fancy dress rental place, super affordable.  *hmmmmmmm*

It jumps a few days, I think but I am getting out of a carriage. What in the Cinderella is happening here?!?  So I am in a long sparkling red dress with silver heels, my hair is pulled up off my neck and hubs is in a tux, with a bow tie.  I've not seen myself but I feel like I look pretty good.  

The party is almost like a ball.  There are ritzy people everywhere, food in a buffet room, servers with horderves, and endless adult beverages.  There was mingling and dancing.  We knew no one but everyone was extremely welcoming & friendly.  

At one point the hubs walked off something and I stayed chatting with the some of the people from our table, just kind of standing around in a darkened room with music.  Here is where it sharpens.  I can smell the mix of perfumes, cologne, and people.  I hear the thumping of the music and the friendly chatter of my new friends.  I can taste the tang of the bubbly I am drinking and I feel a little tipsy & giggly.  

From behind my husband grabs my right hand and guides me a few feet away. I can feel the warmth of his hand and the roughness of his skin. But something is off.  My hand doesn't fit quite right. He's tall-ish but his hair is wavy and longer than the hubs.  His stance is different.  His cologne is nice but not right.  Before I can say anything or pull my hand back he switches hands and puts his left hand in the small of my back saying "this is my wife".  

I can feel the searing heat of his hand on my skin and a slight that fear...?  Okay so the dress is backless. 

I look at him bewildered but his eyes are pleading with me to play along.  His eyes are a gentle blue and kind.  I remember thinking he's handsome and in my mind I recognize him...but from where  I for some reason feel like I should trust him.  So I glance back at these strange looking intimidating men and introduce myself.  I see my husband behind them looking confused so I shrug and wink.  

I get the feeling this man is in some sort of trouble.  The men seem semi-pleased by our meeting and roughly tell my new friend goodbye but with a threat in it and exit.  When I turn to look at him again he looks relieved. He says he owes me, thank you, and hugs me then immediately looks abashed. He turns to the hubs to apologize still with his arm around me and I wake up.  

I've had this dream numerous times.  I don't know what it means or why I keep having it but I am starting to wonder if I need to go to Europe and meet a mysterious stranger at a ball.