Monday, July 31, 2017

Talk about a stinging sensation in your nether regions......

Okay this one is a month or so old but I just came across it and WTF people?!?  I am going to say this again...



Wait does that say "handmade".  I know its Etsy but no thanks....also...from MALAYSIA *danger Will Robinson*

"The instructions advise customers to boil the oak galls and then use them as a feminine hygiene wash around the time of their period. It also advises drinking one boiled oak gall for 40 days to “restore elasticity of the uterine wall.”"

Oak Galls...that's a fancy name for a wasp nest.  Well a GALL wasp...nest.  

Then it says "popular misconceptions about sexual health and the vagina. Namely, the myth that only tight and dry vaginas are desirable and healthy."

WHAT?!?!  I've heard of wanting a tight one *rolling eyes* but a dry one.  That sounds AWFUL! Who wants someone going in dry.  That sounds horribly painful for ALL involved.   *shudder*

The internet is great but these fly by night pseudoscience crazies are seriously endangering people with their crap.  

You want a tighter vajayjay do some kegels.  A dry who-ha is NOT healthy...just...please talk to a medical professional before sticking or around your happy hole, especially something that promises some crazy whatever results.  

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Of course they are going to put our all time Gold Medal Olympic swimmer in in the water with a real shark.......really people?!?!

So people are pissed that the Shark Week special pitting the worlds fastest swimmer against a great white was a *gasp* simulation.

The gist from that article...

Did we really think they would put him in a pool/whatever with a f**king great white?!?!  

Of course its a simulation!  But they did a lot of science.  Did you watch the show???  Did you crazy f**kers really want the great Michael Phelps to be eaten by a shark?!?!  You sick Bastards

It wasn't a bad special but even when I heard about it I NEVER thought "so Michael in lane one and Jaws in lane two".  

I figured it would be all analytic figuring out the averages for a Great White and then Phelps doing the same distance in the same water and being timed.  Culminating in Phelps and a CGI shark racing in the ocean.  I thought it was kind of cool, you people just wanted blood shed.

I just find this all very amusing.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Of course its real! How can people still think it isn't real?!?!?!?

Depression is very very very real.  It isn't something you can just "turn off" or "get over".  Yes everyone in creation has ups and downs but DEPRESSION is a disease of the mind.  Its horrible and if people still think its made up or whatever they have clearly never known someone who suffered with it.

We've lost another talented person to suicide.  How many famous and non-famous people have to die before we realize the status of mental health treatment is embarrassing...?

Chester Bennington committed suicide mere weeks after Chris Cornell was found by his bodyguard.  They were friends.  Chris dying clearly took a toll on Chester.  I am so heartbroken for them and their families, friends, and fans.

So we lost two more amazing artists to a horrible disease.  I hate seeing/hearing things like "oh just another famous person who can't handle money" or "just another druggie" about anyone who has passed from an overdose or suicide or a combination.  That's not it.  Some of these aren't using drugs/alcohol to "be cool" or whatever.  Its their only way to cope with the horrible things depression does to their minds.  It gets so bad that death seems like the only way out.  I can't imagine that.  I can't imagine being so lost in the darkness of my own mind that I want to take my life but I know...I KNOW it happens.

I watched my Aunt and family deal with it after they found her husband.  I watched my BFF and her family deal with it after they found her Aunt.  Its awful.  You see first hand what happens to the family during and after something like this.  And while many want to blame the person who committed suicide, calling them selfish, they really shouldn't.  Yes, it is selfish I guess but that isn't how they see it.  They usually see themselves as a burden, as a problem, as someone who doesn't deserve to be happy...pick something.  They think taking themselves out of the equation is better for them AND those around them because they usually know they are sick and their loved ones wont have to be burdened with their issues any longer.

There is a light, there is always a light in the darkness, but sometimes they can't see it.  Depression LIES.  It lies so much.  But when you are depressed you may not be able to see that.

If you can't talk to family or call a a stranger.  They are there to listen 24/7.  
Call - 1-800-273-8255

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

They missed a GOLDEN opportunity!!!

Golden Retriever gave birth to a rare green puppy


He/she was born GREEN.  Not like the Hulk that becomes green...not like Kermit who is a f**king frog.  He/she is a dog that was BORN green.  Remind you of anyone?!?!  Come on...I'll give you a hint "Would it be all right by you...If I de-greenified yooooooou?"

ELPHABA!!!!  I would have named that puppy Elphaba so freaking fast!  I know he/she won't stay green forever but still!

Apparently its just a rare phenomenon, "veterinarians think the cause is exposure to biliverdin, a green bile pigment found in the placenta, which can stain a pup's coat when mixed with the mom's amniotic fluid."

So pretty soon the green pup will be golden like his/her brothers and sisters but for one hot minute he/she was the coolest pup around.  "Its not easy being green".  

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

"Vaginas in space?!? No Thanks!"

Seriously?!?!  Just one of the NUMEROUS idiotic comments I saw on Sunday.  Come on people, really?!?!

If you are unaware or not a fan, they announced who the next Doctor will be.  And He is regenerating into a She.  People are losing their minds.


Is it different, yes.  Is it bad...I don't think so.  I know, I know he's been a he FOREVER!  And I love him as a He.  But other Timelords changed gender why not him.  Hell, his best frenemy became a girl (Missy) so clearly its not out of the realm of possibilities.  PLUS they've been hinting at this for a while, easing us into it. We see The Master as Missy, we see a general (I  think, I can't remember) change from male to female. They've been telling us its happening.

I was shocked at first too but I love the show and I love the character so lets give her a chance.  I personally think it could be great.  Shake things up a bit.  Change isn't always bad.  I'm not saying you can't be upset, everyone can feel how they want to.  I am just saying if you are a fan, give her a chance.  If she sucks, congrats you were right.  If she's awesome, you get to see the 1st female Doctor running through time and space being amazing.

And for those complaining that "all I'll be able to see is the mom from Broadchurch", you mean to tell me you didn't think the same thing about Capaldi (Malcolm Tucker) or when Tennant became Kilgrave (all I see is Ten being a tw@t).  Yes, its hard to picture them in different roles once you associate a specific one with them but remember they are actors, some pretty amazing actors.  Give them a chance to show you how talented they are.

What's done is done, let's hope for the best.