Sunday, June 26, 2022

Did I do drugs and forget that I did drugs resulting in active hallucinations...?

What the hell did I just watch?!?!! 

I was thinking "oh cute kids movie" but ended up questioning mating rituals of intellectually advanced animals and contemplating the "rules" of their society.

I mean seriously though, you see this and go "okay that looks fun".  I thought it was like a Hare who was scared of everything...hence the "chicken" 

Then you get into the 1st like 10 min and wait what...?

He has chicken legs and and random feathers and you is this combination even possible?!?!?

Mind you it was effing ADORABLE and I really did enjoy it but my weird @$$ brain was trying to picture how a Chicken and a Hare could (in theory) um...mate successfully, producing offspring. 

Plus I feel like if in nature that were to happen it would not be nearly as cute...

Then a few days later my childhood was flipped upside down...

Wait wait wait...?


I am all for to each their own but I am's a mouse....he's a.... he's a fly.... the visual....

I'm sure there is a deeper meaning and I am all for it but my logical brain is stuck on how it would anatomically work. 

Send help, I am over thinking cartoon mating and offspring....

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

I can't believe...What year is it?!

So way back in the recesses of 2014, I posted about makeup BS at work.  I work for a new company now...I work FROM HOME...not to mention its 2022 and this came up...AGAIN!

On a "zoom" call TWO YEARS post global pandemic...where people have been working from home and zooming has become more normalized.  I had someone make a comment on my "makeupless" face.  

It was a 7AM call that I wasn't even supposed to be on.  I don't generally log in until 8AM so there was no reason for me to be "made up" at that time.  But since I was "summoned" I logged in to do whatever.  About 10 people didn't have cameras on so I didn't feel bad.  

Well because some 60 year old (not being an @$$hole, they really are 60) decided we all had to have cameras on, so I did.  Then he...YES HE...proceeded to call me out on a call with 25+ people about having no makeup on.  

I was so flabbergasted I didn't even know what to say at first.  One, I wasn't even supposed to be logged on! Two, Rude! Three, 100% something I do not need to wear.  So I said as professionally as possible, f**k off, and the meeting continued.  Then, he proceeds to make $hit comments the rest of the meeting.  

Rather than publically be a jerk, because I know that's what he wanted, I just ignored him and rolled my eyes.  Mind you it wasn't all on me.  He was making comments about others.  Look we weren't frumpy or homeless looking.  I had on a nice shirt, hair fixed, and lipgloss.  Just not a full face of makeup. 

So after some consideration, it was decided to make a formal complaint to HR. Basically stating when he has to wear makeup everyday, I'll consider it.  He was removed from the meetings I was on and no one told me I have to wear makeup.  I still think more should have happened but whatever. 

Rant over. But seriously mind your own business.  I have sensitive skin and I don't like makeup everyday.  Also, NOT IN THE HANDBOOK and NOT REQUIRED you sexist @$$hat