Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rewearing clothes, especially during the summer, is near impossible in the South

But for real, it is hot!  Hotter than you can imagine if you don't live down here.  As I type it is before 10AM, the temp says 88 degrees with a heat index of 96 degrees.  The sun isn't even at its highest point yet!  My point is when you walk out of your A/C into that kind of heat, you are IMMEDIATELY sweating or glistening or perspiring...as my lovely southern grandmas would say. 

Side Bar: They are sooooo SOUTHERN"Young lady, a lady does NOT sweat, we perspire." Yea okay, tell that to the soaked shirt stuck to my back after getting the mail. 
I am saying all this because I was looking up "what to pack for a trip to Mexico" and one of the lists made me laugh hysterically.  Alright, listen here...I don't know if you know geography BUT Mexico (at least the really Touristy parts) are MUCH further south than Louisiana.  So if I live in the heat of devil's armpit, Mexico is the heat of the devil's ball-sack.  As in it is really f**king hot.  Yea yea yea we have this insane humidity and they have the "sea breeze" going on BUT I've been to Mexico before, its really hot in the summer (closer to that equator thing)

The list that made me laugh was about how to "pack light" for a week long trip to a Mexico beach resort.  Basically it said pack "outfits" that are interchangeable.  As in you are gonna wear them again.  Sorry honey but unless you plan on doing laundry the ONLY thing you will be re-wearing is your bathing suit.  Well unless you don't mind a shirt/dress that is stiff because it is full of dried sweat (ewwww).  Honestly, there is no "packing light" for a week long trip to hot climates.  Of course during the day you will probably be in swim wear (which is the lightest packing part for me) but for evenings or outings you are going to need at least 1 outfit per day.  You can re-wear shorts/skirts probably but tops and dresses, I am thinking no.  Also, unless you are sleeping nekkid, don't forget some PJs (light PJs)

I went to the Dominican Republic for my wedding in the WINTER and I couldn't re-wear outfits (it was hot).  And it is only slightly more south than the Yucatan Peninsula.  I just think doing that would be unwise, unless you plan on staying indoors most of the time and if that is the case why go to Mexico in the first place...?

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