Monday, January 27, 2014

My cat is way too intelligent sometimes

So last night as I was getting ready for bed my 10 year old cat was following me all over the house fussing.  Its weird because she is a very independent cat, meaning she doesn't do the shadow thing and if she does, she wants something.  So as I walked around she was under foot mewing constantly.  So I checked her food dish...full.  Okay.  I checked the water dishes (she refuses to drink from her own bowl, only from the dogs dish)...full.  I checked her litter box...clean.  Okay cat what is your deal?!?  She continued the entire time was prepping for bed.  While I was putting on my PJs she jumped on the bed and was rolling around and meowing so I tried to pet her and she ran off, odd.  I was starting to wonder if she was trying to warn me about something.  Also if I ignored her she just got louder.

When I was finally ready for bed, she was no where to be found.  I got all snuggled under my nice warm blankets and was reading on my iPad when something growled under the bed (OMG what is it?!?). Its not a dog because they cannot fit under the bed.  Then she jumped up right next to my head, barely clearing the space between the headboard and mattress, with a loud mew/purr.  Then she stared at me fussing.  She head butted me, nibbled my nose and just stared.  It was super creepy.  Then she sat on my chest blocking out my iPad while staring and mewing.  WTH cat?!  So I closed the iPad to give her attention.  She immediately curled up in a ball between my legs (that's where she sleeps) and made no more noise. 

Oooookay.  Apparently she was ready for bed.  This is a first.  She fusses for food, water, clean my poop human but she has never complained because she wants me to go to bed....... 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How could you?!? I trusted you!

Seriously though... There you were being all perfect.  I mean you looked absolutely delicious...I could have just devoured you right then and there.  You smelled divine, how in the world was I supposed to control myself.  The growing hunger was driving me mad!  And then it happened, I took a taste.  Albeit a small taste but a taste non the less.  And you burned burned me so bad I was crying.  There I was just staring at nothing with tears streaming down my face thinking how much it hurt.

Damn you delicious french bread pizza I have a blister on the roof of my mouth now!!!  And I am pretty sure I am missing a few taste buds...ahhhhh I have made a terrible mistake!

You would think 5 minutes of cooling would have sufficed but noooooooooooooooooo.  No instead of a delicious lunch, I had hot lava cheese stuck to the roof of my mouth.  I panicked!!!  I tried to use my tongue to get it off but it started to burn my tongue.  So then I just leaned over my plate hoping it would fall out and it did but not before catching on a tooth and slapping itself to my chin leaving a bright red spot.  Great, I look like I got punched in the face!  On top of that because of the 3rd degree burn on my hard palate and minor burn on my tongue I sound like I have developed a speech impediment.  Not that there is anything wrong with people with speech impediments but when you talk on the phone as part of your job it can be quite hindering.  Also I can actually feel a layer of skin dying and falling off...its dangling behind my front teeth and it is grossing me out!  But I am still starving so I must eat.  The problem is that EVERYTHING I put in my mouth makes me feel like I just took a swig of acid. This includes plain water.  Eating is no longer enjoyable for me at this time. 

So again, I curse you stupid french bread pizza!  You have damaged me, I can no longer trust you to be my yummy lunch.  You are no meal, you are a mouth destroyer.  You sit on a throne of lies! Be gone vile meal impersonator. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

This is directed at your universe!  You suck big donkey *expletive*!

So it was happening, that day was finally approaching where as an adult I can finally...finally go to a Con.  Shut up, this isn't philosophical like the last post...this my friend is my super nerd coming out. 

Okay so in NOLA we have this thing that started coming around here a few years ago called Wizard may have heard of it, ha!  Anyways for a while I've wanted to attend a Con...someplace, well anyplace but I had no one to go with.  Well last year my inner fan girl desperately wanted to go to this one and my hubs said he would go but with the house crap and ex crap and well just crap life threw at me it wasn't in the stars and we didn't go.  I read all about it and laughed and died a little inside but there is always another one...right?!  **UPDATE** I just realized I said last year...I keep forgetting its 2014...technically it was the end of 2012 so I guess not last year ;) hahahahaha

I've been very wrapped up in more life crap these days so I totally forgot this would be coming around again soon.  Then it happened...I got an alert about NOLA Comic Con...about who was coming still my heart Eleven is coming...holy shit no way?!?!!?!?  The Doctor...the freaking Doctor,!  I mean I know he's not "the doctor" anymore...what am I saying, he'll always be the doctor, well one of them.  See there she is my inner fangirl just busting at the seems to emerge.  Ok ok ok not like I can afford (or could justify) the $350 to do a VIP ticket or $100 for a photo op (on top of the admittance)...I adore him and all (maybe if it was a previous incarnation, haha but probably not) but I have other expenses that unfortunately trump that.  But just to go this year, OMG I was so flipping excited.  Then I read that Alan Tudyk and Norman Reedus...Wil Wheaton...among others were scheduled *inaudible squeak*.  I mean some serious fangirling was going on when I was supposed to be working.   I swear my hubs could seeing the fangirl tearing through the surface and was like, *sigh* so I guess we are going...but he was just as excited.  He can't fool me, his inner fanboy was grinning ear to ear. 

Yea yea I know, not going to the VIP experience things or buying the photo ops, means not meeting those peeps or seeing the panels more than likely, I guess...I mean I really don't know.  But still it just got me so excited...and its in my city and ahhhhhhhhhhh!  Then I saw the dates...and I cried.  Okay not physically cried but my inner fangirl is just a wreck.  Its the same weekend as my friends Bachlorette Party *insert string of vulgar curses*.  And there is no way I am missing that, not in a million years but argh!  I can finally go and you took it away from me :P  Stupid Universe playing with my emotions.  "You gave me hope, then you took it away, that's enough to make anyone dangerous, God knows what it'll do to me." Hahahaha see she popped out again...silly fangirl stop surprising me with random fandom quotes.

Seeing whose going to be there should clue you in as to why my title is what it is and well my random fandom quote.  *sigh* maybe next time :P If you need me I'll be glued to my iPad/TV watching Netflix furthering my fangirl-ness.  OK that is not a word...well it is now.  NOLAGurl out.