Thursday, February 2, 2012

Our world has gone to $**t...

I mean aside from the violence, lack of morals and just the all around careless attitude people seem to have. Please tell me when it got so bad. I am not that old but I remember when having an education meant that employers wanted to hire you. . . That going back to school to better yourself got you a raise and significant praise. . . That being an experienced professional meant you were a prized commodity. . . But that no longer seems to be the case. I have a masters degree and although I love my job I am looking to move along. But instead of employers wanting my education and experience they tell me I am over qualified and they cannot afford me. This is before we even discuss salary, hell its even before an interview!!! How do they know I won't fit or won't be at a reasonable salary?

To top it off I have friends and family that have been let go because they "cost" too much. As in we can hire a just out of school kid with no experience for 1/2 the cost. The problem is the inexperience privileged 'kids' don't know the first thing about being a professional. They have no work ethic and want to make the big bucks without raising a finger to do any real work. These are people my age. . . The difference is my parents MADE me work, they forced me to learn and become the professional I am. They pushed me to expand my education. Which now seems to be hurting more then helping me.

Then you have my husband. He's been with a company for less than a year. He's getting an advanced degree in his spare time and he's never been trained at his company. What happened. . . They decided they wouldnt be able to afford him once he finished his degree and let him go; and hired a barely out of college know nothing to be the secretary and collect monies and well just sit there and look pretty. Oh did I mention she is the GM's kid, even better. How is this person going to do any better than him and he hasn't even gotten the degree yet and they already think him too 'expensive'.

I ask again. . .when did this happen. There is no loyalty in business, no respect, no level of any professionalism. Our world is going to hell in a hand basket and big business is the one holding the rope lowering us down to our doom.