Thursday, December 28, 2017

Why does it matter what BRAND of tech SOMEONE ELSE has?!?!

I have been called "stupid" because I have an iPhone.  I'm sorry...what?!?  Like, I don't say a damn thing, I just get attacked because I happen to own an iPhone.  Apparently I am not a "real" tech person if I don't own a Samsung.  F**k you, I had a Samsung when they first started making phones.  I liked it, it worked great but I PREFERRED the iPhone when I got my Smartphone ten years ago. Will I ever get a Galaxy or a Note...maybe, maybe not but I don't see how that is a concern of ANYONE else.

But you see, I am "clearly unintelligent" if I keep buying Apple because Samsung is so advanced and cheaper.  I don't know what planet you live on but they are fairly close in Price depending on storage and model...give or take.  I have had ZERO issues functioning with my iPhone.  My phone is almost 4 years old and aside from a cracked screen (stupid dog) it works fine.  Yes, Samsung has different features but nothing that screams to me.  At this point mine does everything I need it to do.  I can't help it if you can't function with an iPhone and needed a Samsung.  Good for you, I don't care what f**king kind of phone you have.

I just don't get it.  Its like the PC vs Mac $hit from a few years ago.  Its a preference thing.  I don't do gaming but I do designing and photography.  So I got a USED Mac and it lasted me 7+ years, I still have it and it still works.  Its zippy enough and loads with no issues. The ONLY reason I got a new one is because the battery was failing and it didn't have enough memory to handle the newer Operating Systems and the applications were getting dated.  This happens with PCs too so don't even try to BS me on that.  My husband went through THREE Windows based laptops in that time so again bite me.  Yes they are expensive but I'd rather spend $999 today and not worry about it again for 7+ years...while he spent $500 per computer over 8 years...that is $1500 and they didn't even come with Office (I have the Mac version, it works FINE!).

Its not like I run around saying *in a condescending voice* "I use Apple products". I actually don't say anything.  Usually its other people asking me what kind of computer I have.  All I say "I have a MacBook" and people legit attack me for "sucking Apple's d**k".  I'm sorry, does my PERSONAL laptop offend you....?

My point is WHO THE F**K cares.  If what you are using works for you, why does it matter?!?!  Yes the newer ones like the Surface are WAY better than their predecessors and have really cool features and functions but those cost a pretty penny also so again its a f**king preference thing.  WHO CARES?!?!?!  "But does yours turn into a Tablet?".  No, but at the time I didn't want or need that feature.  I have an iPad, have since 2011...again STILL WORKS FINE"But it doesn't turn into a tablet".  Okaaaaay...WHY DO YOU CARE...?

After this MacBook (which I've had for 2 years and have ZERO ISSUES) goes the way of the dinosaurs I'll weigh my options and make a decision.  By that time who the f**k knows what kind of tech will be out there.

My point is why does it bother other people so much when someone has Apple or Samsung or LG or what-the-f**k-ever brand of tech.  Are you using it?  If the answer is no, then shut up.  It is not necessary to be an @$$hole  about it.  I didn't laugh in your face when your Samsung LITERALLY caught fire.  I'm 99% sure I didn't say anything except, "Well, that sucks...".

People's problem is they are overly involved in everyone else's business.  I clearly take VERY good care of my tech which in turn makes it last longer but its still MY tech and MY preference.  It has zero effect on you except you feel the need to tell me how stupid I am for some reason.

Yea well if I "suck Apple's d**k, then you eat Samsung's @$$hole".  And I DON'T CARE!  Bon appetite, would you like a Chardonnay with that?  Just shut up and be happy you can afford such luxuries.

**Rant over**

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

That's a really ugly cat....

So the other night I was cooking dinner after picking up my FINAL online order of gifts.  I let big crazy out alone.  While slicing my tomato I hear little bit "ARF!".  Um what?  Since she was looking out the back door I decided to go check on Speedy.

As my eyes focus on the dimmed lighting in the fog, I see Speedy walking towards me (and my open back door).  He had something large and furry IN HIS MOUTH!  It was limp...CRAP!

OMG is that a cat?!?!?!

OMG that is not a cat!!!!

OMG that is an opossum!!!

OMG drop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He wasn't being aggressive with it, just holding it.  He gently put it down *whew*.  It picked up its head *double whew*.  He growled *$hit*.  It played dead *oh thank God*

Seriously though.  It was laying all weird with its mouth open and tongue hanging out...legit playing opossum. 
I said very calmly "come on buddy...lets go inside".  And he LISTENED.  He kept looking at it but we went in.

He was foaming at the mouth, whining, and wagging his tail.

JFC sit still so I can check you for cuts, blood, bites, whatever!

He was fine.  So I go check on the opossum.  He/she was sitting up looking dazed and NOT happy.  Speedy didn't hurt it but it was COVERED in dog drool....ewwwww!

I then proceeded to have a very one sided conversation with it. 

Hello, Mr. Opossum....are you okay?

Did Speedy hurt you?

*angry stare*

Can you walk on your own?

Do you live under my shed?


Do you want me to leave you alone?

*head turn*

OMG I'm having a conversation with a marsupial....

*From the neighbors yard* "I have a gun if you want to use it"

*yelp* I'm...its fine...not need to kill it.

"Well if it comes in my yard, its dead"

Mr. Opossum...don't go next door.

*belly laugh* "Have a good night sugar"

When I got inside, I checked Speedy again.  He's fine...he said I spoiled his early Christmas Present for me....thanks buddy, I'm good. 

I have NO DOUBT that he would have brought that thing inside had I not gone out. 

He seemed to think it needed was fairly small compared to the massive ones we usually see.  He wasn't trying to kill it...just bringing it to was weird....I mean he did good...still weird. 

Mr. Opossum went on his way at some point...I haven't seen him since. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

May the force be with you

"And also with you"...wait...

Moving on...this isn't about "The Last Jedi", so have no fear..but if you haven't seen it. GO SEE IT!

Its back.....

I have seen this way too many times on my FB wall.  I thought it was a "haha".  It is not a "haha".  Okay for some its a "haha" but "haha".  Most I am seeing don't get the f**king joke and are putting #praisejesus

THAT IS NOT A REPRESENTATION OF JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That isn't your lord and savoir...that is a Jedi Master (a very attractive Jedi Master) and he's our only hope.

No, ok.  I finally said to one via private chat (because I'm not a complete @$$hole)"sweetie...that's Obi-wan Kenobi".  Hand to god, she said "Is he a Saint?".

You're kidding...Right.  No...okay, so not everyone is a fan of Star Wars but "is he a Saint"?!?!?!?  I mean what kind of Catholic are you!?!?!?!!? "Is he a Saint".

What's crazy is in like 500 years (if we don't kill ourselves off first) this WILL be a standard picture of Christ and I just think that is the funniest thing EVER.  A picture of a fictional character will be seen as the Messiah.  I think there is a joke in there somewhere.  You heard it from me first (I think)...some troll created a Meme that will one day be seen as a representation of the son of God.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Winter is here

And its freaking hilarious.  Y'all try not to make fun of us Southerners, we don't know how to function in Ice/Sleet/Snow

Apparently some polar vortex thing is dipping low low low low.

Sorry sorry sorry.  Back to my thought.  Okay soooooooo most of SE LA and S MS is going to get a blast of frigid air along with rain.  Which means Ice/Sleet/Snow mix...yay!  I'm staying f**k in!  People can't drive in normal weather much less ice. 

Yes we are shutting down like half the state.  Yes there is a "winter weather advisory".  Yes we are preparing for "snow".  Stop laughing!  We are lucky if it gets in the 50's for Christmas so getting anything resembling snow makes people panicky. 

Just kidding, I hate the FREEZING cold but I think the craziness for some possible snow if f**king funny.  I mean better safe than sorry but