Friday, July 17, 2015

Special kind of stupid

Is that like the "...special level of hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater"?  For some reason I feel like saying you are a "special kind of stupid" is way more insulting than yelling "Hey dumb@$$"

Moving on...I saw this...this is what brought on that random thought

And while it makes me feel a bit old, it is kind of true.  I remember watching OLD Looney Tunes cartoons (I say old because by the time I saw them, some had been out for 40+ years) but I don't remember ever thinking "Hey, let me go light a STICK OF DYNAMITE (or firecracker) by my friend here *LOL*".  My momma taught me better than that, just sayin'. Apparently even by the time I saw them they were severely edited (toooooo much violence and racial issues).  Well it says that in the Wiki Bio but I clearly remember charterers depicting stereotypes (American Indians, Speedy Gonzales, etc) and every scene with Wile E. Coyote was fairly violent *drops an anvil on his own head*

Point being I don't think what was shown really affected my young mind.  I didn't want to become violent nor did I think all Mexican's ran around saying "Andale, andale, arriba, arriba".  Not saying they are appropriate but I still had the mental capacity (even at a young age) to know it was just a wasn't teaching me life lessons.  It just seems like as the years go by we become more dependent on OTHER people to tell us "hey that's a bad idea" rather than having the intelligence to know "Oh $hit, this is a bad idea" and not do it.  Don't get me wrong, I did STUPID $hit as a kid but I KNEW it was stupid and did it anyway.  And I usually got my @$$ beat for doing it (if we got caught) and we NEVER did it again.  But it wasn't "blowing people up" or "hitting them with a frying pan".  It was leaving the neighborhood when I said I was going around the corner or jumping out of a tree into a pool.  Not my best moments but as I did them I was like "oh crap, I'ma be in SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much trouble if I get caught".  But in my head it was a calculated risk.  Will the fun outweigh the consequence.  If yes, continue...if no..DON'T.  Also, there was a factor of, how high is the possibility of injury...if too high "abort, abort".  Point is kids will do stupid $hit without cartoons, it is up to us to keep them in line.  Maybe its a parenting thing.  Maybe they are relying too much on the TV and "others" to teach their spawn instead of actually teaching them, themselves...I dunno. 

For instance, I read somewhere someone DRANK an entire bottle of hair product because it "smelled" like food and he was hungry.  He was hospitalized for toxicity or something.  Not a kid...a grown @$$ person (like in his 20's) who as far as we could tell had no mental issues and wasn't high (I mean it's possible but the news outlet didn't say that and I am pretty sure that would have been mentioned).  And all I could think was "you, you are the reason we have warning labels on shampoo bottles".  It's like common sense has become a special "gift" that not everyone has and I am not sure how it happened but I want to know how to fix it.  I hope IF I have kids I am able to teach them to THINK things through on their own (the key word there is THINK).

Side Note:  I'm not picking on Looney Tunes, they are the ones depicted.

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