Thursday, October 1, 2015

Finally, I can have a blood curdling scream coming from my pocket and it won't get me strange stares!!! Well, who cares!

It's October b**ches!!!  You know what that means?!?!?  It means my ringtone is now "This is Halloween" and my text tone is currently a blood curdling scream.  Well sometimes.  They will get changed to the Halloween theme, Jason's theme, the Exorcist get the picture.  I just can't help myself.  "Ch ch ch ch, ah ah ah ah".

Of course when I get a Traffic alert at 3AM and it sounds like someone is being murdered, I may not find it so amusing.  Who am I kidding, of course I will!

I can't wait to get home and put up my decorations!!!!  The agreement is no decor until the month of the's October 1st...whoohoo!!!  I also can't wait to see what Speedy does.  Last year was Demon Spawns first Halloween and she walked around in a constant state of "WTF".  She would crawl into my lap and hiss at the skeleton hanging from my fan.  I posted on FB about her dislike of my Halloween decorations to which my bestie replied "does she know she is a Halloween decoration?!?"  Skiddish cat + black cat = my little witch's familiar

Speedy is scared of his own shadow so who knows what he'll do.  I can't wait, *muahahaha*

One of my FAVORITE Halloween movies!!!  Yes its cheesy and not scary at all but I love love love it!

So starting today:
1.  Decorations
2.  Finalize costume


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