Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Louisiana - [loo-ee-zee-an-uh] noun, 1. a state in the S United States. 48,522 sq. mi. - 2. a place where you can go from BURN BAN to FLASH FLOOD in less than 24 hours

How does that happen?!?  Remember those Hurricane things I spoke about before?  Yea one of those (well what is left of one of those) was reeking havoc over our state (Texas too).   So a few days ago it was so dry that watering my plants daily was a necessity and yesterday I had to dump out the potted ones because they were over flowing with water.  Well I dumped them AFTER I located them.  

You see the tropical @$$hat that came through was not fun.  She (yes she...her name was Patricia) took the liberty of crossing from the Pacific side of Mexico, up into Texas and across most of Louisiana.  She had winds gusting like a low grade hurricane.  She dumped 4" of rain in my parish in less than 3 hours.  She woke me up at 5AM because the severe weather alerts were going off every 5 minutes.  She caused me to almost be late to a family thing because I was scared to leave my house after the tornado sirens went off.  She almost stranded me in another city because the way back home was FLOODED

I was not a happy camper.  I made it home, yes.  But once I was there I had to deal with spotty cable/internet, flickering lights, nervous animals, and damaging winds.  About 20 minutes AFTER I got home I realized my Halloween decor was probably MIA.  So here I am...in the dark...in the rain...in wind gusting 30+ MPH...looking for Styrofoam Headstones.  I found them *muahahaha* in the bushes and down the street...whoohoo.  Apparently Pat didn't want me to find them because in retaliation the winds blew so hard I literally slammed face first into my front door. 
Nursing my sore front side I decided to watch some Treehouse of Horror only to miss more than half of it thanks to interruptions for crazy psycho weather updates and an Amber Alert (he was found *whew*).  So as we were sent back to the stone-age (damn you mother nature!!!), the winds kicked up again and the rain abused  my house...I just sat in the dark, reading a book by lantern and hoping this stupidity would end soon.  The pups had to pee so I let them out and was immediately catapulted into an azalea and a rose bush.  Seriously this b**ch here wanted to hurt me!  WTF man?!!?! I woke up today (a bit sore and scratched) to find out we had more than 10 inches of rain in less than 24 hours.  Most of my plants were on the other side of the yard and completely tattered...did we have f**king tornado?!?!? Oh and one entrance to my hood was flooded. 

So as I've mentioned before I HATE HURRICANES....even if they aren't hurricanes when they get to us...they still big donkey *expletive*!

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