Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I do not think it means what you think it means. . .

So while I can appreciate the posts about faith and stuff, I think some go a little over board with it.  And that is where my cynicism rears its ugly head.  If posting scripture makes you feel go, go ahead... somethings...are...concerning.  

For instance when I see "Hello Jesus, I'm ready to come home"...

...I get a tad concerned.  Because to me that is asking for death.  If you are telling your Messiah you are ready to come home, you are asking for entrance into heaven...RIGHT?!!?!  So you are saying you are okay with dying.  Look being a good person so you go to heaven and saying you are ready to go home...I just..what?  And while I can appreciate acceptance of death...if you are a healthy person under the age of 60...you shouldn't be ready to die!  You have two kids...why would you want to leave them!?!?!?  This seems very cult-esq...don't drink the koolaid...

I can understand this if you are terminally ill...in chronic pain...or just really really old but why before then?  Why accept death when you have so much more life to live?!?!  Yea anything can happen but wouldn't that be a slap in the face to our higher power...since you are ready to give up on the life you have left to go "home"...? 

Then to post "It ain't over, till God says its over. Keep fighting"...that is contradictory...right!?!?!? Maybe I am being a stickler or too literal but I can't help it.  In one sentence you are welcoming death (like an old friend), while in the other you are saying don't give up...keep fighting.  Talk about mixed messages. 

Just an observation.  This is also a person that tells me Jesus talks to them all the time...not like I hear his message in the world around me...I mean like literally TALKS to them when they are praying...so yea..I dunno.  Hearing "voices" concerns me.  Either they are a prophet or well...never mind. 

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