Friday, October 9, 2015

I'm a super hero junkie...I need help...from a super hero...or a villain...I'm not that picky

Okay so for real though.  I wasn't into reading comic books as a kid...mainly because we didn't have a store near by and no one would buy them for me because I was a girl.  Oh woe is me.  But as a kid, I did know of most of the big ones thanks to TV, cartoons and some movies.  I don't have a loyalty to Marvel or DC...I like quite a few from both universes, although at times to do tend to lean more towards Marvel...I think their characters are snarkier which I love (who doesn't love Deadpool?!?!?).  Anyways, basically anything that comes out super hero related I will at least give a try. 

I already watch Gotham, Arrow, The Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Agent Carter and soon Supergirl.  Back in the day I totally watched Smallville.  And of course I've seen most of the movies.  With that said when Netflix started with their Marvel shows I got a bit excited.  I am trying to find time to watch Daredevil (There's never any TIME! *said in my best Jessie Spano impression*) and although I didn't really know about Jessica Jones before, I am interested to see what it's all about.  The first teaser promo was interesting.  She demolished her poor alarm clock and appears to have a drinking problem...maybe.  So she has some sort of stregnth.  I looked up all the info I could find after that and watched the other promos as they came out.  Sounds to be a cool concept, I shall watch...after I watch Daredevil dammit.   

Then yesterday they released another promo hinting at the villain.  I knew who was playing the villain.  How could you not?  Everyone was flipping out.  "OMG DT is the purple man".  Me thinking "what on earth is the purple man??? At least he's my favorite color..."  I am so out of the loop, sometimes!  So I looked that up and jfc he sounds like a total creep.  Then I watched the new promo and it gave me the heebie jeebies*creeper alert*

I said I would like him to read me a bed time story...not give me nightmares, dammit! (tee hee hee).  Seriously though, give it a listen.  You can recognize the voice immediately but it sounds sinister...I can't wait to watch this! 

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