Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Are you okay?

Says me to the person with the Cryptic posts.  Yea we've all done it at some point but you eventually realize, Facebook/Twitter probably isn't the place to air that kind of laundry.

Look, I get concerned.  I am not being funny.  Okay, I am being a little funny but I am not sure what to make of this series of posts...

Alright...good words of advice on how to not be an @$$hole, kudos.

Interesting bible verse...whateves.
Hmmmmm...are we having a crisis...?
I mean that's true...I've had an anxiety attack...Es no bueno...but you have never had one...or have you...

What the hell is going on???????
Ummmm, well that's depressing. I am seriously concerned...
And here we have a recipe for broccoli.

That is a heck of a ride only to end up with a side dish for dinner.  They are still posting on social media.  No more "deep thoughts", now it is all puppies, silly quotes, and recipes.

So that is my question...should I be concerned? Or just right this off as someone needing attention...a validation that they are in fact not alone.   Even though I know they talk to people EVERYDAY on the phone and in person.  To me this sounds like a classic case of depression, with a touch of manic tendency but when you ask them you get nonsense responses about how they just thought they were kind words or things that just need to be said or whatever.

I want to help but it seems they are content posting depressing messages on social media meanwhile others are asking me and their other acquaintances what the hell is going on with I guess I'll just continue to be here if needed..I only wish they would stop rapid fire posting all of it online and tell me how I can actually help...

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