Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Conversation!

This old Cajun couple in front of me at the store was having some major issues with their payment, the following ensued.

Husband: You chore we need all dis?  Dats sebinty dollars of stuff.
Wife: Mai yeah we do. You juice don make da groceries like I do
Husband: Fine den, use dat plastic card I gives you
Wife: Yeah yeah yeah
Cashier: Um, the card is saying invalid tender
Wife: *sweet as pie* Mai I know dere is monies on dat dere card,  you do dat dere again
Husband: *grumbles unintelligibly*
Cashier: *getting nervous* I've tried it four times, it won't work
Husband: For tru? Dat can' be!!! I don brought back a tv box las wek and dey wouldna giv me the dollars so dey gives me da plastic.
Me: *Trying NOT to laugh...trying to help.*
Cashier: *puts her light on for a manager*
Manager: I'm so sorry. It was swiped too many times and is locked.  I can't unlock takes 4 fours to reset.
Me: *thinking* Oh that's bull$hit she just don't want to call the 800#.
Husband: Aaawwww YEA! Jew see!  Jew see dat! Dat is why I don't trus dem to put my monies on dat plastic!!!  I loss my hard earned cash.
Wife: Oh don't be so dramatic, its still dere, it's just locked up.  Now give that nice lady some monies
Husband: *shocked* me?!?  No, I don gave you da monies on on da plastic, I'm not giving you no more!
Wife: Awww yea, now you stop dat, right now!  You gives her the monies so we can get to goin.
Husband:  *grumbles in French* *hands over his monies*
Wife: Dats a good boy now *still smiling*
Cashier: Thanks...come again...
Me: *don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh* Why do I have a comic about Jesus....?
Couple: *bickering in French all the way out the door*

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