Monday, June 8, 2015

What the heck did I do now?!? Nothing, I did case you were wondering :P

I love being on the receiving end of someone else's bad day.  Yes, I know we all have them.  Yes, I know we are all human but don't forget... just because you are having a craptastic day doesn't mean you have to make everyone else's day craptastic as well. 

I always try to put on a happy face.  And even if I can't, I attempt to remember that the cashier at the grocery, the rep on the phone, my husband, etc. more than likely didn't do "it".  They didn't do anything wrong so I shouldn't take out my frustrations on them just because they happen to be in my vicinity.

$hit happens...emails don't go through, things fall through the cracks...people don't want to do their jobs...if these things happen to you it SUCKS big donkey d but it doesn't mean you have to be a tornado of rage and bring everyone else down with you.  I hate it when I am having a wonderful (or even just a decent) day and someone absolutely rips me apart FOR NO REASON except I happened to answer the phone/email/text.  It blows my mind!  I think it is because I am so conscientious of everyone else's feelings now that I am taken aback when others don't reciprocate that same conscientiousness. 

I guess, I think, you don't know what is happening in their day.  What if you lash out at someone who is already in a downward spiral and they lose hope?  They are teetering on the edge and you don't just nudge them over, you DESTROY them, all because you are having a craptastic day.  Your unnecessary venom could affect them much more than you realize.  Plus, your problems that seem like the end of the world to you could be so trivial compared to what someone else is mentally going through yet they may keep their's hidden behind a small smile. 

So you have an issue but you haven't addressed it with the company you have an issue with.  While I know I sometimes have a tendency to be sarcastic, I will normally not go that route initially, depending on what I am told.  I will first tell you "take a breath and call them to see what you can do, it is probably an easy fix." THAT is a nice thing.  THAT is me trying to neutralize the anger.  THAT is me trying to f**king help!  I honestly would not expect to get a "f**k you too, b**ch!" back in response.  I am not sure why I deserved that but okay.  I don't respond to that; I won't respond to that.  THAT is a person trying to start a fight with you because they are mad at someone else.  So I stayed quiet.  That should have been the end of it.  A mentally STABLE person would have realized they overreacted and stopped texting or apologized.  Nope, not in my case.  I received at least 4 more texts detailing why I am a horrible person for not supporting them in their anger at x-company.  WTF?!? I am not one to throw guilt usually but I will make you feel like an @$$ if you push me too far.  After I received a text stating I was a coward for not saying anything, I finally had enough of the "verbal" abuse and replied. "I am sorry if  I am not as chatty as usual, you see I am not exactly having the greatest day either.  I just found out my old dog is dying of bone cancer.  But in relation to our previous exchange about your life altering problem, I still think you should call x-company and ask for some assistance." *crickets*

Not my proudest moment but I got my point across.  Yea your day sucks and yea you took it out on me and yea you had no idea what I was dealing with but that doesn't make it okay.  You didn't stop at one attack.  You continued to use me as a punching bag just because you thought you could, because I am family and that's what I am here for...I guess.  People laugh at me when I say I had a "f**ked up childhood" because they only see my family when they are "normal" or in other words, behaving because others are watching.  I am not kidding, you try having an immediate family that can snap in a split second.  Never knowing if what you say is going to trigger some bat$hit crazy response.  I am a firm believer in "family don't end with blood" because I can say with 100% confidence most of my "family" has zero genetic relation to me. 

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