Tuesday, June 23, 2015

25 years ago?!?!?!

Stop making me feel old nerdist.com!  So scrolling through blog posts from yesterday I came across one about Star Trek: The Next Generation and the cover photo was of Locutus.

An image that that was burned into my young mind FOREVER!  I love Captain Picard and it was just awful to see THAT.  Then I read the first line of the article "Twenty five years ago this week, Star Trek: The Next Generation unleashed the first cliffhanger in Star Trek history by leaving Patrick Stewart’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the hands of the Borg." What?!?!?  There is no way that was 25 years ago!  I can vividly remember sitting in my living room GLUED to the screen watching the Season Finale and screaming in horror as Riker said “Mr. Worf, fire...”.

My mom and I were both sitting there stunned as it ended...what...What...WHAT!?!? I was 9 (yes, I said 9)...I think it scarred me.  Obviously as a wee little one I am sure I moved on and enjoyed my summer but when the fall came around I sure was glued to my screen again hoping my fav Captain was saved somehow!  You know before DVR...so I actually had to be there when it aired OR record it on a shady VHS tape and hope the VCR didn't mess up somehow.  Geez, I am ancient!  Who else remembers the excitement of coming home to a TAPED show only to rewind the tape and see nothing but STATIC F**k you VCR, you have made me miss Seaquest for the last time!!!
Back to the article, I had no idea how "groundbreaking" that cliffhanger was.  I didn't realize TNG wasn't really accepted as Star Trek until after that episode aired.  Probably because I was 9...and because you know I couldn't just pop on the internet and jump in on a Fandom thread to get all the theories.  I never had an issue with TNG because I grew up with it.  My dad grew up with TOS and showed it to me, making me just as much of a fan at a fairly young age.  So when TNG came out I LOVED it...yay new Star Trek!!!

I still can't believe it was THAT long ago but I don't care.  I love getting home from work and turning on BBC America to watch 4 hours of TNG reruns.  I still love it and if I do have kids...I am TOTALLY introducing them all my old Sci-Fi favs *muahahahaha*.

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