Thursday, June 25, 2015

I can't watch 8 season in 7 days on Netflix??? I can't watch a 60 min show in 45 min...? *Peeeesh* ... *Challange Accepted*

I know we've all been there...weeeeell those of us who actually like and watch GOOD television (have I mentioned I am NOT a fan of Reality TV?).  Anyway, with that said I've noticed in my Netflix and Regular TV viewings, there are some Shows/Movies I can watch over and over and over and over.  I mean its to the point where I make myself aware of what I am doing so I don't have to subject the hubs to the same (weird) stuff a gazillion times.  So I thought I would list them out and see how weird I actually am (I know I'm weird, humor me).

In no particular order:

  • Jurassic Park
  • The Fifth Element
  • Star Trek (any of it basically)
  • Disney Movies (pick one)
  • Anastasia
  • The Prince of Egypt
  • Doctor Who
  • Sherlock (both the show and the movies)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Firefly
  • Jaws
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • Friends
  • Castle
  • Supernatural
  • The Princess Bride
  • Marvel Movies (I have seen some of them WAAAAY too many times)
  • War Games
  • The Terminator (mainly 1 & 2 but I'll watch any of them if they are on)
  • The Matrix (only the original)
  • Back to the Future (all of them)
  • Mel Brooks Movies (they are so silly but I can quote all of them)
  • Some National Lampoon Movies 
    • Christmas Vacation
    • Animal House
    • Vacation
    • Van Wilder
    • Vegas Vacation
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • Men in Black (1 & 2)
  • Harry Potter (ALL of them)
  • The Never Ending Story 
  • The Labyrinth
  • Ancient Aliens (I am such a weirdo)
    • Actually almost anything on History/Discovery
  • Tim Burton Movies (whenever they are on, ALWAYS)
  • Ghostbusters
  • The Boondock Saints
  • Fight Club
  • Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz/The Worlds End
  • Star Wars (Ep. IV, V, VI)
  • Interview with a Vampire
  • Shrek
I know there are probably many more but these are my most recent (most memorable) watch it if its on TV & Movies.   The ones above, most of them have been seen a minimum of 10 times (more in a few cases, less in others) over many years.  With the TV shows, I obviously haven't seen every episode 10 times (in some cases it is possible) BUT I've seen enough Episodes so many times I can recite lines like a crazy person.  It's so funny to me because I've seen A LOT of movies and watched quite a few TV Shows and there are some I just don't want to see again...even if they are phenomenal. Then there are these that I can quote, almost verbatim, at least parts of the movies/shows.

**UPDATE** OMG How did I forget Indiana Jones!?!  I'll even watch that atrocity that came out a few years ago...I don't care...IT'S INDIANA JONES!!!

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