Monday, June 15, 2015

Doctor Who, making instant best friends out of strangers since 1963

Okay so recently I was in a meeting.  We were waiting for some other important peoples to arrive.  Of course being one of the two the faces of my company I couldn't just sit there and play on my phone *darn*.  I had to be social and interact with the persons already in the room.  Idle chit chat, right, anyway.

So the usual was thrown about...Where are you from?  Did you watch dem Tigers?  Can you believe this insane weather?!?!  And of course, where'd you go to school?  Since I wasn't in NOLA, I figured they were asking about College.  So I said I went to LSU for my Undergrad and UNO for my MBA.  There were maybe 5 people in the room so far.  So I got oh yea, cool.  Wow, an MBA, so your like smart *wink, wink*.  Then the (attractive yet VERY quiet) guy next to me was staring at me, barely containing his smile/laughter.  So ARE you a Master? I started to get defensive, I was thinking "what you don't think I'm smart enough to have a Masters or something?!?!"  But before I could say anything @$$hole-ish he just leaned over and whispered "I thought you wanted to be called Missy... *raised eyebrow*"

Okay he has NO IDEA if I am a whovian, right?!?!  I was like no f**king way!  I swear my jaw was hanging with no response in sight.  Then I looked down and realized my business satchel has "Bad Wolf" written very faintly on it.   I've had it FOREVER and no one has said anything before so I didn't even think about it!

So I just busted out laughing, I couldn't come up with anything witty, it was too much, my brain shorted out.  So he started laughing and the rest of the room was like "WTF...?" 

I was teary eyed and giggly.  It was hilarious (to us)!  The best response I had, after nearly snorting with laughter, was "do I look like a cracked out Mary Poppins???" Which only increased the giggles from both of us.

So I shook his hand and said good one, you got me, I wasn't expecting that!  The rest of the peeps were still very confused.  We eventually exited our personal fandom bubble and started talking to the rest again, never explaining why I wasn't offended by what he said or why we were laughing so hard. 

It's like "oh you like Doctor Who?!?!?!" *instant bond*  I love it!!!

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