So the usual was thrown about...Where are you from? Did you watch dem Tigers? Can you believe this insane weather?!?! And of course, where'd you go to school? Since I wasn't in NOLA, I figured they were asking about College. So I said I went to LSU for my Undergrad and UNO for my MBA. There were maybe 5 people in the room so far. So I got oh yea, cool. Wow, an MBA, so your like smart *wink, wink*. Then the (attractive yet VERY quiet) guy next to me was staring at me, barely containing his smile/laughter. So ARE you a Master? I started to get defensive, I was thinking "what you don't think I'm smart enough to have a Masters or something?!?!" But before I could say anything @$$hole-ish he just leaned over and whispered "I thought you wanted to be called Missy... *raised eyebrow*".
Okay he has NO IDEA if I am a whovian, right?!?! I was like no f**king way! I swear my jaw was hanging with no response in sight. Then I looked down and realized my business satchel has "Bad Wolf" written very faintly on it. I've had it FOREVER and no one has said anything before so I didn't even think about it!

So I shook his hand and said good one, you got me, I wasn't expecting that! The rest of the peeps were still very confused. We eventually exited our personal fandom bubble and started talking to the rest again, never explaining why I wasn't offended by what he said or why we were laughing so hard.
It's like "oh you like Doctor Who?!?!?!" *instant bond* I love it!!!
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