Tuesday, January 13, 2015

You won!...sort of

This is paraphrased but you get the gist. 

Caller: ...An all expenses paid trip to (insert posh vacay) doesn't that sound wonderful?!?!
Me: Um really??
(mind you I did do one of the "enter to win" things at WWNOLA)
Caller:  Yes, do you have a pen and paper, here are the deets
Me: Uhhhh sure, go ahead.
Caller:  Rattles off the most amazing sounding vacay to Orlando, FL for 5 days.
Me: Huh, cool...
Caller:  It gets better...proceeds to rattle off more amazing vacays that come with this "package"
Me: Ummmm, ooookkkaaaaay
Caller:  Still prattleing on about the 3 additional trips that comes with my winnings
Me: Wow... *thinking* why do I feel like I'm on some infomercial "but wait there's more"
Caller:  Yes wow!  You and 49 other lucky winners.
Me:  *Getting more suspicious* Soooo what's the catch
Caller:  There's no catch, this is a $4,000+ value all yours.  For you and your hubby and two other adults. 
Me: Kaaaaay...
Caller:  All you have to do is pay the processing fees and taxes today and you have 2 years to go on these four luxurious vacations. 
Me:  I, uh, only signed up for the Orlando thing. 
Caller:  but this is all free!
Me: Processing fees aren't "free". Although I would expect to pay taxes
Caller: But listen...get this its only $349
Me: Okay not that bad...
Caller: Per person
Me: What?!?  Isn't this a vacation for four?!?!
Caller: But you only pay for two people the other two are free
Me: Um $700 today...who are you again?
Caller: (insert name of travel agency) Is the money the only thing holding you back?
Me: Y...eee...ssss *thinking* that and I don't normally give my CC out to random people that call me over the phone.... oh and this doesn't seem like that GREAT of a deal
Caller: Hold on let me see if I can get a better rate *puts me on hold*
Me: It sounds waaaaaay too good to be true.  Eff this *hangs up*

Did I miss out on 4 GREAT vacations.  Possibly.  But we have to be able to use them in two years time and we have to pay our way to get there so all expenses paid is not quite right...maybe I miss heard her.  Maybe she didn't say that and I inserted it but I don't think I did.  Yea Orlando hotel and theme park tix paid (well, actually, we can buy them at BOGO) but I have to fly or drive to get there.  A trip to Miami...I love Miami but I have to get there.  And only the hotel is paid for.  Cruise sounds wonderful but it leaves out of Miami (again flying issue) and you get no extra moula so you have to pay for everything else.  Trip to Vegas, again REALLY?!!?!?

So this deal sounds more like hey we'll pay for your hotel if you figure out your own passage, pay for your own food, etc but we would really like a good review/recoomendation from you in return. 

NOTHING IS FREE PEOPLE!  Like I said, I expect to pay taxes on contests that are won but really?!?   Plane tickets alone are $200+ per person unless you get an awesome deal on Southwest.  Food...omg...food is ridiculous!  For two people to eat out everyday for at least two meals...even going cheap cheap, it's no less than $75 per day (and that is chain restaurants and no alcohol).  Plus a rental or cab fare to get around.  And if you are in Miami or Vegas you are going to want to go out to a club/bar at least once which I can tell you first hand isn't cheap!  For Vegas you get $100 spend how you want card (usable at casinos).  I can tell you that $100 will get you 1 and a 1/2 buffets (maybe) if you use it for food.  Basically I am saying it wont go very far.

So all in all they wanted me to pay them $700 but each trip would cost us an extra $1,250 (I mean BARE MINIMUM).  In reality it would be way more.  Actually it would be more for the Orlando trip because it doesn't include the park passes.  It is 4 trips...that is $5,000+ over TWO YEARS!  Plus the $700 I have to pay upfront.  In what way does this sound like a good deal?!?!?  For $2,000 I can fly both of us to Orlando, stay on the Disney grounds, get two 5 day hopper passes and probably meal plans (those changed recently so I am not sure).  Oh an transportation is included unless you need to leave the grounds....

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