Thursday, January 15, 2015


I think it is hilarious that I am my worst critic.  I look at pics of me lately and think "Ugh I look awful!  I am fat...ewwww....argh!"  I think you get the gist.  Anyways, I recently uploaded some pics to FB from a formal outing I went to last weekend.  I think I look awful but I couldn't upload no pictures of me so as bad as they were I put them up. 

I was trying to be funny/cute in one in particular and while it was funny/cute I think I look like a sausage stuffed into my dress.  Yuck!  But that is the picture...that is the one that EVERYONE seems to love.  They keep telling me how beautiful I look, how they love my dress and the number of likes is getting pretty ridiculous.  I just don't get it.  Are they just being nice...probably not.  Because there are other photos where I think I look nice and they don't get that much attention. 

I was so reluctant to post that picture because I think I look disgusting but it can't be that bad or it wouldn't be getting that much attention.  I don't like to think of myself as having body image issues but I clearly do.  Honestly I think most women do.  Our society sucks!  I am not fat...I am fairly tiny.  Am I in the best shape of my life, no, but I am not just to make my brain believe that. 

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