Friday, January 23, 2015

And then she tried to feast on my soul!

Sorry if you thought I actually met a soul sucker...thankfully that was NOT the case. I have begun to have strange dreams again.   Well I think I always have strange dreams but I remembered last night's and I really feel like my subconscious may have been on drugs...

Its funny because what triggered the memory of said dreams happened while in my car.  I checked my blind spot and saw the sticker on my window and I thought it was a bug...suddenly my brain was flooded with images of my strange @$$ dreams.  It was weird because at first they were just below the surface, I couldn't grab them...then without warning I remembered them in great detail!

First - We were in our house.  It was cold outside so we had brought in some of my more delicate potted plants.  But instead of them being out of the way they were all over the living room.  That in and of itself was odd but what was even more strange is the number of plants.  I mean I have quite a few but not nearly as many as were in my dream.  It looked like a jungle.  Old man was very interested in one of my larger potted plants.  When I went to investigate I saw a small snake...kind of like the one I actually had in my yard a few months back.  We didn't think it was poisonous but I still was dragging old man away from the plant just in case.  Unlike the real one we had, this dream one was very pissed off. It kept striking at was unusually fast and seemed to be able to "jump".  It "jumped" out of the pot as I hollered for my hubs to come help.  I tried to catch it on the floor and it slithered under the entertainment center.

I peered under and it "jumped" again, hit the bottom of the center and broke into two pieces.  "What the actual f**k is going on?!?!" Two odd looking black/iridescent beetles came running out, making some awful high pitched noise.  I screeched (because I am pretty sure my ears were bleeding) and grabbed a shoe.  I couldn't kill them!  It was like they were made of metal.  Then one of them wrapped around my left index finger and stopped making noise, all the while methodically clicking its mandibles *shudder*. Meanwhile the other was still running a muck around my house, WTF!?!?!?  Hubs finally showed up and was trying to help me get the beetle off my finger.  It had a death grip and every time we tried it clamped its legs tighter around my the point where it's pointed legs had pierced the first layer of skin.  In a panic I started pulling really hard and I heard a *crack*'s leg was fracturing and it screamed, I am talking a human in extreme pain type I stopped.  I remember thinking "well its not hurting me on purpose, it is just scared." Somehow we carefully extracted my finger without killing the bug from hell and get this...we SET IT FREE!

Second - (Okay this one is long, just a warning because there was a lot of detail I remembered) We were not in present day but I don't think it was the past either.  Maybe some warped future.  I say this because there was no electricity and some scenes seemed like they were back in the 1800's BUT other scenes took place in old raised shotgun type houses in NOLA.  I am not sure what my "job" was but I was making house calls.  On my first "call" I was in one of the shotgun houses.  It was a mess, boxes and stuff piled everywhere but it wasn't dirty.  It vaguely reminded me of my grandparents old double shotgun but it was much higher off the ground.  My client/friend offered me dinner and a place to stay once I finished whatever I was there to do.  I declined at first but he insisted because it was almost dark out and he didn't want me to leave once the sun set.  Although there was no electricity, gas still seemed to work because there was a gas fire place and it was lit, but to see we had small oil lanterns.  I couldn't see myself (no mirrors) but I remember seeing my arms in a long sleeve dark shirt, my hands were in fingerless gloves, and I had a tattered gray scarf. 

I don't remember any other calls like that but I knew there were others.  The next thing I remember I was going down wooden stairs with a hurricane lantern, following someone into a barn like basement but not underground.  There were tons of people and a bunch of "trash can" fires.  I was there to see someone who had recently passed (seriously what was my job?!?!).  He was off in a dark corner...he looked like he had been scared to death.  His skin was ashen and he appeared almost dehydrated but not mummified.  I looked him over but didn't see any signs of trauma and I was told he was basically healthy the day before.  Wait, he was alive yesterday?!?!? They said they woke up and he looked like this *yikes*.

This went on for a few house calls, over a few days I think.  All similar, exposed wooden beams, small contained fires for warmth & to see and more than one family living in the home.  Each "victim" looked identical and was seemingly healthy prior to...well dying.  They all had one thing in common, the morning before they died they received a letter in the mail (apparently USPS survived the apocalypse).  Each person was said to have been disturbed by said letter, almost panicky...and burned the contents after reading it.  This is getting very "The Ring" like...*in a creepy voice* "7 days."  Or in this case 24 hours.  We somehow tracked down a person who got one of these letters and had a stake out.  I was with my partner who wasn't my husband...he was like a legit business partner.  He looked like a homeless version of a detective...from a TV show I clearly watch but which one I couldn't tell you.  We had both dozed off during the night and were awakened by a strange wind...our hair and clothes were whipping around like we were stuck in a vortex...but also a vacuum...because there was no sound.  Trying to get our wits about us we realized the person we were watching was glowing black...I can't explain how you glow black but she was.  We were holding onto each other in shock...fear...mixture of emotions...completely frozen in place by the spectacle before us.  The person wasn't glowing black, whatever was encasing her is what was glowing.  The insanity ended and our client was dead, just like the others.  "What the hell was that thing?!?!?"  People thought we were crazy, talking about glowing black entities that suck the life out of you.

We managed to track down another potential victim.  Stakeout time.  This one was different...the letter was addressed to more than one person...WTF?!? Flash forward, we are in a vortex.  We are trying to approach this thing encasing one of our clients.  It turns and looks at us.  It has a pale white haggard face, the body is a black tattered cloak.  It seems only partially corporal.  It screamed...a blood curdling sound.  The only sound we could hear in the vacuum.  Suddenly the soul of the person it was attacking ascended.  This angered this thing and it launched itself at us.  It had me pinned, I couldn't move.  My partner tried incessantly to free me with no luck.  I could feel him pulling on my arm, I felt his face next to my ear...I am guessing saying something to me.  Who knows, I couldn't hear or see.  I was encased in darkness and freezing cold.  I could feel my life draining away.  I knew what it wanted my soul but I fought.  I fought until I couldn't draw breath...and then I woke up. 

Yea, I don't even want to try and analyze these...they are WEIRD!

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