Tuesday, January 6, 2015

As the world turns...

...better yet...what happens when the world STOPS turning.

Are we talking metaphorically or literally?  Because in the literal sense, I can tell you what happens.  Well, in theory.  1/2 the world freezes and 1/2 the world becomes a desert oven. I'm sure there are parts that will be semi habitable but short story is you die a cold death or deep fry.  And if the elements don't kill you the lack of food will...among other things.

If we are talking metaphorically I am fairly certain the same rules apply.  Because although the physical world may still be spinning around the sun, our society will have ceased to function.  I am not one for doom and gloom.  Honestly I hate doom and gloom but I am realistic and things happening in the world today are signs of something pretty bad on the horizon.  Is it inevitable, no...is it likely, yea...yea I think it might be. It may not be the worst case scenario some are playing things out to be but you'd have to be blind to think all is okay.

Things are happening..."Well, four things. Well, four things and a lizard."  I kid I kid, I mean four things and a lizard could be happening but I don't think it will affect most of us (unless he failed *dun dun duuuuun*).  All joking aside things don't look good especially in the U.S. ...a lot in the south...oil & gas industry.  What some don't seem to realize is if that industry crashes and burns so does the economy...so does the dollar...so does sooooooooo much else (from what I understand).  Just watch TV...its there just hidden in plain sight.  It seems to be a domino effect.  I am NOT an expert but things are happening and I don't know if we will be able to halt it before things go all sideways for us. 

I say this because I've read some things and noticed other things and as I mention said things in conversations OTHER PEOPLE BRING UP then they get all weird and basically laugh it off and caress their Michael Kors bag, brag about their new Lexus or talk about buying that $200 t-shirt.  I am not jealous so don't start with me...I am frugal so I notice high dollar purchases on seemingly  unnecessary things.  And I am not saying "hunker down" (I actually hate that term now) but I am saying be aware of what is happening around us.  It may not affect you today but why not be a little prepared.  You don't have to stop "spoiling" yourself or your kids but be conscious of what is going on in the economy.  A splurge here and there is fine, why not...but if what has been set in motion continues to snowball those three $500 handbags you just couldn't live without last year aren't going to mean a damn thing when you can't buy food or pay the mortgage or whatever.  Just saying. 

Being cost conscious isn't a bad thing.  Stop trying to keep up with celebrities...they makes MILLIONS of dollars a year (or a month in some instances), they can afford to throw money away.  Well for now o_O.

**NOTE** I repeat I am not an expert...just having thoughts...out loud...so I wrote them down.

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