Thursday, January 8, 2015

What goes around comes around

This is not about revenge as you may have previously is also not to be said as that creeptastic child from BBC America's Intruder's .  What is it about creepy's like nightmare central for me. Give me an ax murderer, ghost, whatever and I'm fine...creeper kid *never sleeping again*.

Anyways, I mean style.  My mom would always joke that what I was wearing in the mid nineties was similar to what she wore in the 60's/70's.  Bell bottom pants, tie dye, flowers, peace signs, ying yangs, crop tops...I mean the list goes on and on.  And of course cool as I was I thought "uh no, these are totally different!"  Then the late nineties happened and I merged my hippie/disco self with the grunge look.  I wasn't hard core but I was a fan of doc martin boots, plaid shirts and baggy jeans...oh and don't forget layers of necklaces with black rope chokers.   But I wasn't all grunge.  I was a bit style bipolar.  I could go from spice girls to nirvana and everything in between in relation to dress and music choice.  My closet, hell, my whole room, looked like the 90's exploded in it!

What I am noticing now that I am OLD(er) is my mom was so freaking right!!!  That military boot style that my friends made fun of me for wearing is sooooooooooooooooooooo back.  I honestly didn't realize it.  I still have my docs.  I love(d) my docs! But I haven't worn them in quite a few years.  Anyways, I was at the mall Christmas shopping and a tween went be-bopping past me in a neon shirt, blue leggings and docs.  Like the high ankle ones I used to wear. I had to do a double take to make sure I actually saw what I thought I was seeing.  It was like a clash of the decades.  80's neon/leggings meets 90's "grunge".  Can't wait to see what other 90's nostalgia comes back in style.  I am hoping the weird 5 tiny clips hair style stays away but it probably wont.  I mean I wore it like a champ but it wasn't my best look, ha!

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