Monday, January 19, 2015

That is so NOT okay

We all have self confidence issues.  Well most of us do.  There are days where you can't bear to look at your reflection or just plain don't want to leave your house because you think you look bad or feel bad about yourself.  It is unfortunate but it happens to the best of us.  The flip side of that is when you start feeling better about yourself so your confidence soars to new heights and it is evident to everyone that you are happy.  I am not talking bi-polar mood swings just the normal we all get down in the dumps about our appearance, etc type stuff. 

What happens a lot of times though is you are on the upswing but you aren't quite back to your normal semi-confident self yet so you mask it.  I mask it by forcing myself to smile and have fun.  I personally don't think that is a bad thing but a shrink may disagree.  It actually helps me to get back on track faster.  Others mask it differently by putting others down and that is why I say "that is so NOT okay"

Just because you feel down about yourself does not mean you have the right to put everyone else down.  Yea you might be on the "upswing" of your whatever but trying to make everyone else look bad is not okay.  So you started working out, good on you but that doesn't give you an open to make a snide comment about someone else's weight...not even in jest (and saying "no offense"doesn't negate what was said).  So you got a new electronic doohickey that everyone else has, awesome sauce, just because someone else has a different brand or version does not make yours/theirs better/worse.  They do the same effing thing...why is this now a competition.  You have problems at home...I am sorry...I really am but do not deflect your home issues onto everyone else in public.  Just because you want to have complete control of your sig other doesn't mean everyone else when they are inquisitive it's not to be's probably because they either didn't hear or are curious. 

But the worst...the absolute worst is putting down a child.  And don't tell me "I'm just kidding".  There are ways to be sarcastic and funny with kids where they know you are being sarcastic and funny and still love them to bits.  If a child looks at you like you ripped their heart out, they do not get the joke.  You just crushed them.  And honestly, if you would have spoken to me that way I probably wouldn't have laughed either.  Instinctively we pick up on underlying tones.  You can smile all day long but something in the tone of voice, in the glint of the eyes, hints that you aren't really joking.  In addition...who the eff calls a child or baby ugly?!?!?  What is so wrong in your life that you have to say something that horrible?!?!  Yea it may not have been said to their face but what is the point of even voicing that thought.  Saying a child is bratty...okay I get that I guess but flat out saying an innocent baby is ugly...what is wrong with you?!?!

Sure some kids are traditionally cuter than others but come on!  I don't think I have ever looked at a child and thought "ugly".

It is not in my nature.  I tend to see beauty in everyone.  Not kidding, I have always been this way which is why people always said I dated "below my standards" or was "too pretty" to be friends with some.  It is because I saw past everything our society says is "unattractive".  It is obvious these persons are going through something and are lashing out.  Yes they may tell us about all the wonderful things happening to them and complain about the mundane stuff but clearly something else is going on.  We are well out of our uninformed youth, being mean/a bully to anyone, much less a child, is uncalled for 100% of the time. 

Truthfully, I don't think some people realize what they are doing.  It is like a defense mechanism but that still isn't an excuse.  And responding with "I am not apologizing for being me" doesn't wipe the slate clean either.  You can be you without crushing someone else.  It concerns me how oblivious people are about their actions.  What if something you said or did because you felt bad about yourself pushed someone over the edge?!?  How would you feel knowing your "joking" caused someone to choose anorexia or to otherwise hurt themselves?!?!  It happens, I witnessed it first hand.  Uncles "joking" with their niece about her weight because she was ever so slightly bigger than the other kids.  She almost died!  She nearly starved herself to death!!! It was flipping baby fat you assholes!  Was I the only one that saw past the "unattractive" body type of a CHILD???  Because of you she damaged her body and mind!

**NOTE** I am not talking about goodhearted joking amongst friends/family.  I am talking about the words in jest laced with venom said for no apparent reason. 

These aren't my images, I google searched them to make a point.

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