Friday, September 25, 2015

Apparently this isn't a rock solid excuse............

It gets you an especially weird stare when you are in fact a "supervisor".  Oh God, sometimes I can't help my weirdness!!!

I didn't do anything THAT insane but over the course of time I've said/done things that some may think odd.  It wont make me jobless but it makes my boss roll her eyes and laugh.  So I guess its not "bad" so to say.  It is all in good fun.  And this all didn't happen at once, it's over quite some time but the above is so fitting.   


"NOLA Gurl, there are NOT Vashta Nerada at the end of the hall.  The light went out...please take down the warning signs."

"I am aware that office cleanliness is an issue but the dishes don't need to leave notes on the wall above the sink. This isn't Disney, they can't talk." ~ The most recent note said "please wash me kind sir, I feel so dirty and just want to be clean".  She made the "nerd" reference, not me, Ha! 

"There is not a sentient being living in the microwave, no need to suggest a sacrifice."

"*laughing* It's not funny, the copier is not Bob Marley...the big boss is not amused" ~ in response to a pic left above the copier that said "This copier should be known as Bob Marley because it always be jammin'". Yes I got that from the internet but it was true and I was annoyed.  Plus we ended up with a new copier (the old one was 20 years old!)

"Our office is not haunted or a portal to another universe.  We just work with slobs and you just misplaced your stuff." ~ in response to a sign on my door that said "Enter with caution, possible portal to Universe B"

"What is 'Pete's world'?  And why do you think that is where your lunch went?" ~ in response to a note on the fridge saying "Either my food got sucked into Pete's World or you ate it.  I am choosing to believe in inter-dimensional travel vs. someone eating my lunch without permission."  

"The janitor is not an alien, well to this country yes but not this planet.  And I don't know what a Slitheen is but I don't believe he is one." ~ trust me when I say this is the only logical explanation for his actions. 

"Who are the Winchester's and why do we need to call them?"

 'There is no NOLA Gurl, only Zuul' is not how you tell someone you are in fact in your office.

We are not going to "Salt and Burn" your desk.  It isn't haunted, the floor just isn't level.  ~ Sure that's what they all say.

Apparently when the A/C is broken the appropriate statement is not "I'm sweating like a whore in church." 

I know there are a ton more but I can't think of them right now.  No pics because then you may figure out where I work and I've already had a stalker show up here...sorry. 

Side Note: I am not being unprofessional, I've been here for 10 years and worked with mostly the same people.  We are a goofy bunch, my goofiness just happens to include a lot of nerd references.  Just because you wouldn't have me on your team doesn't mean I am not appreciated here. 

“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes.” ~ Fourth Doctor

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