Driving in a neighboring parish I was behind what looked like some sort of police vehicle. As I got closer, I could read what was on the back,
"Meth Lab Response Team". What?!? I mean I know we have
"Narcotics" teams but when did we start having teams specific to the type of drug???
Then I thought about it and realized they are probably
HIGHLY specialized because Meth Labs are a bit volatile. Add in the ones that are mobile
(yes there are mobile meth labs...one blew on the interstate a few years back) and you have a 2 ton bomb on wheels,
*I so scared*. So I guess that kind of response team makes quite a bit of sense but it is terrifying to think that the threat is present enough to warrant the creation of such a team.
In other news I made an ice...thing and I don't know how....
It's a unicorn ice. It's the last of its kind...and I killed it
*muahahaha*. I laughed as it melted away in my lime water,
"Mmmm tastes like extermination". Wait...ewwwww. Sorry, sorry, I'll stop channeling my inner
pepper pot serial killer. It's like it froze mid-splash...but I don't have
THAT good of a freezer. I'm lucky if my ice trays freeze after hours of being in there. How did this happen????? Maybe my freezer is trying to kill me...
Moving on. I saw Speedy smacking his lips and kind of foaming a bit around the mouth,
"hmmm odd". Concerned what he could possibly have gotten into now, I yelled. He shook his head and I saw something fall on the floor
*raised eyebrow*. Hmmm, it looks like
"Ahhh ewww" *drops it back on the floor* WTF?!?!
Please ignore my neglected nails |
Yes, that is what you think it is, I think...well as long as you think its some sort of arachnid. All that is left is the body and
ONE leg. And can I just say, I am not scared of spiders
(obviously, I am holding its remains) but that
"body" is quite large for my liking. He's fine so I am thinking not poisonous
BUT why is my house suddenly the real life set of
Arachnophobia?!?! Two days before this he started jumping around shaking his head and we found a half dead
(shoosh) LARGE house spider on the floor. Recently, I've cleared
WAY more webs from my corners than I'd like to admit. And we've both been the victim of tiny spiders crawling on us while sitting on the couch. Did I drop acid and forget??? I don't understand!!! I use
Home Defense and I've been using it for
YEARS with no issues! It's tag line is
"Kills bugs inside, keeps bugs out!"!!! It keeps everything else out...
Ahhhhhhh! |
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