Friday, September 18, 2015

(insert thing you disagree with) is the DEVIL ~ Mama Boucher

Driving in to work, stopped in traffic, "Lalalaaaaaaaahhhhhhh what the f**k is that?!!?"
*raspy voice* "Come play with me"

Sweet baby Jes...Spongebob has been places, he's seen things.  He has been scorched by the hell-fire and lived to tell the tale.  He is now traveling the country on to warn us of what awaits should we continue on our heathenish path.  Or he is trying to tempt me to the dark side.  I haven't quite decided which one it is yet. Maybe if they have cookies (kidding)

Speaking of hellish...things...WTF is this supposed to mean!?!?!?
Is this implying women are the devil in disguise, sent here to lead you astray?!?!?!  Listen here d**kwad, at least if you are going to make a "point" use proper sentences, *This speakS volumeS to me.  And if you ever want to get laid again, I suggest NOT comparing females to demons.  Yea yea, it says "adulterous" female in the text but wouldn't the SAME apply to an adulterous male?  Women aren't evil, men aren't evil, people aren't evil...INDIVIDUALS are evil.  Stop generalizing!  My point is, it is dumb.

Then I saw this and wanted to stab my eyeballs out.
First off, ew.  Nothing should be COVERED in the blood of ANYONE.  I know his "blood" is a metaphor for the sacrifice made to save us lowly creatures.  But, I REALLY want to post something so outrageous in response... And not because I want to knock their faith but because these same persons feel they have the "right" to bash my beliefs, attack me, and put me down for thinking differently.  NOT religion per se but other things I've posted Equality, Racism, Rights, etc.  Anyways, I'm thinking pics....

Like this:
He is my fav movie devil
Or this:
The Devils Advocate
But I wont because then my mom will see it and I'll get an earful for being an @$$hole.  Which I'm really not trying to belittle their beliefs, I just don't...*ugh* Here and there is whatever but if you have to profess this to social media everyday that you are "Christian" and then act like a jerk-off to everyone who doesn't agree with you, you may have other issues...

Yes, yes good on you to have a very strong faith BUT I do not think Satan or Jesus checks your Facebook page.  And unless you somehow blessed the server where your page is hosted, your "page" isn't covered by anything accept web-crawlers trying to figure out your online patterns to post weirdo ads to your oh so "sacred" page.  So be careful when you are browsing for Porn sermons, Jesus/Satan may see it. 

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