Monday, September 28, 2015

The age range of men I find attractive is compareable to the ridiculous range of music on my iPod

Seriously though, my cute little pink iPod Nano is an insane hodgepodge of musical genres.  Yes I know I could use my iPhone but I like my little nano and I've had it forever and I have like 2,000 songs.  Clearly I have quite a music collection.  Well my little nano is getting old, it's a 5th generation and I've had it for 6 years.  With that said I still love it to bits BUT it's become temperamental in its old age.  The scroll wheel "sticks".  I freaked for a while because it got stuck on a particular album and wouldn't let me get back to the main menu.  Since then I don't dare take it off shuffle.  At least with shuffle, I still have access to all of it, *whew*

Which brings me to the crazy music selection.  It's a gamble what you might get, which makes my runs much more interesting.  For example, my 5K Saturday consisted of me starting with "Bailando", going to "The Wizard and I", switching to "Shameless", popping up with "Enter Sandman" and then to "Get Low".  So we have Latin, Show Tunes, Country, Rock, and Rap.  My friends were dying laughing when I crossed the finish line with "Get Your Roll On" blaring from my earbuds (okay not blaring but you get the idea).  Conclusion, I have AMAZING taste in music. 

This brings me to the reason I said all this.  My "celebrity crushes" range from "OMG, I feel like a creeper even looking at him" to "JFC, he's old enough to be my dad...and then some but dayumn".  How does that happen?!?!?!  I think it goes back to I see "beauty" in everyone.  Is that weird???  Like I can look at a 24 year old and be like, "he's hot" then see his dad and be like "and now I see why".  And were I single, I'd probably go for the dad because 24 year olds are nothing but trouble, right.  Well unless you are 24...actually even then...I'm weird, that is the only explanation.  I don't make a habit of deliberately checking out older or younger peeps for that matter but I am an observer so it happens.  Which is how I made an @$$ out of myself at the store (see this post).  Or maybe it's because the older ones don't look THAT old to me.  As in, I see them and think maaaaaaybe a 10 year gap, only to find out they are mid fifties+ and I don't know how I should feel about that. 

Which this has CLEARLY been going on for a while because I can distinctly remember being YOUNG and having super crushes on Uncle Jesse & Dr. Ross...oh and don't forget Indiana Jones!  Not to mention James Bond...oh but which one?!?!?!  How about the one that came out during my youth.

But as I've said before, age is nothing but a number so who cares.  You can't help who you are attracted to...unless you are an adult and they are children/ that case seek help...PRONTO

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