Saturday, September 26, 2015

That's it, that is how the Zombie Apocolypse Starts!!! This is why I have trust issues.

So I got an alert on my phone.

Right, okay...nothing too weird *nervous laughter*.  I read this article and this one.

Ohhhhh okay, its a sample from the 1970's.  I mean nothing WEIRD about that. 

"Using modern sequencing techniques to study blood samples taken more than 30 years ago, researchers have identified a new virus with similarities to hepatitis C and human pegivirus (formerly hepatitis G)." ~ Ewwwww, not cool!  So what are people just not having symptoms???

"Further analysis of more recent samples revealed that many of the people who were infected had cleared the virus. And even those who didn’t were apparently unaffected by the virus." ~ Ah, okay.  Still, not cool.

"...the role of this new virus in liver and other diseases remains to be elucidated," ~ Ummm that doesn't sound good.  So we found it, we show no symptoms from it but we don't know what harm it does or how to "cure" it. 

I feel like there is a whole group of science people going "move along, there's nothing to see here, move along", meanwhile this "harmless" virus is how we all turn into rabid cheetahs on speed.  In 30 years someone will find this "study"  and be like, "so this is where it all began"

Yea it was discovered in blood samples from the 70's BUT what if its a dormant virus and is activated by all this "research".   Someone call Robert Neville or Shaun or Daryl Dixon, $hits about to get real.

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