Friday, August 7, 2015

You don't have to agree with someone100% to think they are amazing

This isn't about anything crazy or deep.  Just that last night I watched the last Daily Show with Jon Stewart...and cried my eyes out at the end!  He has been my nightly "news" person for the last SIXTEEN years!!!  That's a long time to watch the same show most nights before bed.  Did I miss it sometimes?  Of course but I watched it more often than not.  I even watched it when I was with my Ex who HATED the show saying it was an insult to intelligent people or something like that. 

I should also mention I was heartbroken when Colbert signed off as well.  I watched both of those shows for so long.  Its been hard to adjust to not seeing Colbert on my TV I have to adjust to both being gone, albeit Colbert is coming back on The Late Show

My point is you don't have to agree with him or even like him to appreciate his wit, his intelligence, his opinion.  He wasn't opposed to saying controversial things...bringing to light the idiotic things that "normal" news reporters would never say.  It's called SATIRE people...quit being so sensitive!  No one was safe and it was HILARIOUS! It did make you think though...think passed all the BS that was beat into our heads everyday. 

If you had half a brain you could understand what he was saying and not take offense, because what he said was usually spot on (you do know he had writers also...right?!?!).  I hate politics, I hate politicians, and I hate political news correspondence.  But when you have someone dissect it in a comedic way, it helps me not want to stab my eyes out.  Yes I watch "real" (I use that term lightly) news but I liked his take on it better. He clearly was doing something right...he was on the air for 16 years...16 years!!!  People obviously liked his way of dissecting the world. 

With that said I posted on different Social Media last night that I was sad it was the last show with him.  And the responses I got back in private messages were astounding.  If you have to call me names in a PM instead of publicly you are a coward.  Just because I enjoyed his show doesn't make me Unpatriotic, a Baby Killer Supporter (WTF really?!?), Reverse Racist (I don't even get that one), Ignorant (I don't think I am the ignorant one here), etc.  Thankfully there were only a few.  I did get one public response saying "Good!" which that's fine...if you don't like him, that is fine but why the other bull$hit?!?!  The rest were positive (and public), agreeing that he will be missed. 

I go online everyday and see things I think are awful from some of my "friends"...things I don't necessarily agree with but I am not going to bully them in PM.  If I feel the need to say something I will but I refuse to attack people.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion.  Do I now think some are bigots or racist or uninformed...yes...but most of the ones that post that crap publicly are in fact ignorant and you can't argue with stupid so when it gets out of hand, I ignore them and move on. 

That is all...and yes I just about sobbed when he said:

"This show isn't ending. We're merely taking a small pause in the conversation. A conversation which, by the way, I have hogged … So rather than saying goodbye, or goodnight, I'm just going to say: I'm going to get a drink, and I'm sure I'll see you guys before I leave. So here it is – my moment of zen."  

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