Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Dammit Internet, I could have died!

Imagine sitting on your kitchen counter (yes I do that, shoosh), enjoying a delicious banana, when your significant other walks in and hands you his phone.  Its a story...a story about bananas.  I was 3/4 of the way through the f**king banana!!!

Here is the story

The basic gist of the story is there are parasitic worms in bananas *gag**in my head* "Ahhhh, OMG!  I've eaten two in the last couple days!!!" *not in my head* Very calmly, I skimmed the I did, I threw away the rest of the banana I was munching on.  I also spit out what I was chewing...*unladylike spitting of food into the bin*

I felt insanely ill thinking about WORMS in my f**king GI Tract!  Then I realized it was Walmart bananas and breathed a sigh of relief *whew*.  My nanners are from Winn Dixie (Thank God!)

But when I read this line "They are asking, if at all possible, to burn the bananas", I got suspicious. We hear that kind of $hit from Sci-Fi movies...not in real I would think WDSU would have said SOMETHING by now.  Then as I looked closer I realized I'd never heard of said News Site.  So I went to my trusty friend and surprise, surprise it is a fake news site and a fake story (halle-f**king-luiah).  I still felt ill though.  Just the possibility of ingesting parasitic worms *shudder*

Of course, they could have been the "good" kind of parasitic worms *tee hee hee*.

Side Note: Not everything on the Internet is real...this is my usual mantra...and I fell for it *doh*.

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