Monday, August 17, 2015

Because f**k you, that's why

I'm not really as angry as that title seems, just more flabbergasted by people and their inability to realize when they should shut the f**k up.  I've said it before and I'll say it again if you have already asked a woman if/when she wants kids and she says eventually *smile*...DROP IT.  Don't keep asking every time you see her, IN FRONT of everyone.  Don't randomly respond to a cute pic of her and her (insert lil one) asking when she is gonna have one.  Don't remind her every time you see her that she is getting older.  Just f**king stop!

1.  Not everyone wants kids.  It is not required for married (or unmarried) persons to reproduce.
2.  Not everyone CAN have kids. 
3.  It is not your right to know WHY I don't have kids
4.  If you ask me repeatedly I am eventually going to give you an asinine answer
5.  Don't be offended if I respond to your rudeness with rudeness
6.  Oh yea and its not okay to shove a child in my arms and say "doesn't that feel right" because that increases your chances of being throat punched ten fold

I love my littles but geez!  It comes in spurts.  I wont hear a peep from anyone about my childless marriage *rolls eyes* and then suddenly everyone wants to know when there will be a little NOLA Gurl/Guy walking around.  Okay, new people asking, I don't care.  People who have asked repeatedly and KNOW that I've had some issues shut the f**k up!  You don't seem concerned, you are badgering me and my husband.   Someone being concerned says quietly (as in out of group conversation) "so, anything? *concerned eyes* (not pity, there is a difference)". I say no *shrug*, they say okay just checking.  That, that is OKAY.  Standing in a group of people (half of whom I do NOT know well) and LOUDLY saying, "so you knocked up yet?" makes me want to go on a murder spree. 

So since I am a tad moodier than usual (I hate being a girl :P) my responses may not have been nearly as polite as they usually are.  So now instead of letting morons make me feel bad or embarrassed about my "issues", I'm gonna embarrass them.

To that lovely person that KNOWS what I've been through who confronted me in a large group, my response was spot on.  I said "Um no, I am apparently defective.  Remember? *sips champagne*".  It seems, being confronted with harsh reality makes people uncomfortable.  You asked, I responded.  You can't deal with blunt truth, stop asking brazen questions.  What I've learned is that if you make them uncomfortable, they stop asking you questions that make you uncomfortable (usually) AND they don't offer the canned bull$hit "aw, honey it will happen" or "God will (insert miracle)" or "You know when we were trying to have (insert kids name), *goes into LONG story about conception that no one needs to know*".  I wasn't asking for support or asked me, I answered...that should be the end of it.  When you get real, they usually shut up and walk away.  If I would have brought it up, TOTALLY different.

Like I said, I don't care if people inquire, I'm not a heartless person.  I care if people are @$$e$ about it.  I am just tired of all the crap.  There are ways to ask me what's going on without making me feel second-rate or the center of UNWANTED attention (and pity...I hate the pity stares...I am fine people... really)

So that's my story.  From now on @$$hole questions, get @$$hole answers.  And no, we don't know for sure what's up with us BUT that still isn't a reason for people to think it is okay to bombard me with VERY personal questions in a crowd or on FB.  We are fine.  I am not freaking out or depressed or anything actually.  If $hit don't happen, it don't happen.  End of story.  But when people start making a big deal about it, I start feeling inferior...bad about myself...less of a woman....something MUST be wrong with me...its really sucky man.  Anyway, if you want to know what's going on, ask me in private and don't post $hit on my Social Media, rude

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