Friday, August 21, 2015

Stop tempting fate dammit! The universe is listening and she is a b**ch!

You know how they say "never say never" or don't say "what could go wrong".  It's like "noooooooo! don't put that thought into the universe!!!" Because we all know that means the universe is gonna be an @$$hole just to prove you wrong.

Well the NWS or NHC whichever one it was sure did f**k this one up!  About 1 - 1 1/2 weeks ago they released a statement saying that "it was going to be an inactive hurricane season".  The news story popped up on my phone and I may have gone a bit batty for a minute.  But think about it...

1. Late August 1992 Hurricane Andrew was an @$$hole from Florida to Louisiana.  
2. Mid September 1998 Hurricane Georges caused the first mass exodus out of the NOLA area (at least that I remember).  That is one evacuation I will NEVER forget!  Dude ELEVEN hours to get to Lafayette...Lafayette is normally a 3 hour trip!!!!!!!!!
3. Mid September 2004 Hurricane Ivan caused the second mass exodus out of the NOLA missed us and DESTROYED Alabama and Florida.  He was also a f**k nut
4.  August 29, 2005 Hurricane f**king Katrina did what everyone was fearing the last two major storms would do to the NOLA area & MS Gulf Coast.
5.  September 24, 2005 Hurricane Rita (Katrina's "baby" sister) decided she wanted to mess with the gulf coast also and ripped apart East Texas and West Louisiana AND re-broke the temp levees in NOLA.
6. September 1, 2008 Hurricane Gustav proved that even a Cat 2 can put us back in the stones ages.  We had no electricity, phones sucked and everyone and their Momma wanted us to help them.
7. September 13, 2008 Hurricane Ike wanted to be a bad@$$ also and f**ked up East Texas.
8. August 28, 2012 (almost 7 f**king years to the day of Katrina's bull$hit) Hurricane Issac decided he wanted to show everyone that even a barely Cat 1 can be a d**k.  He stalled over South Louisiana and kinda moved a bit and on the anniversary of that b**ch storm he made my life a living hell!

Do you see why I am pissed off?!!?!?  Yes there were others but these directly affected me so that's why they are the ones I listed.  Who does that?!?  It is f**king August...we are in PEAK hurricane season!!!!!  Most of the worst storms that have hit, have hit late August - Mid September (see above).  Why would you put that thought into the Universe?!!??

Sure enough some deity with a sense of humor decided to give us all a scare.  Because almost immediately after that jack@$$ pronouncement we got an alert saying a "Tropical Wave" in the Atlantic had a 50% chance of development.  Everyday it got worse.  60% chance, 80% chance...we are watching this one closely...surprise b**ches meet TS Danny, No wait Hurricane Danny and today "Hey y'all Hurricane Danny is a Cat 2".  Yes he is still pretty far out and small and they anticipate "weakening" but there is a chance he could go straight into the effing Gulf and then who knows what, actually I know what...*people freaking the f**k out* that's what.

I just don't understand why they said anything.  I'm not usually superstitious but come on!  We can see that it's been a "slow" season but no one felt the need to say it out loud!

UPDATE - So apparently Mr. Danny is a Cat 3...yay...

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