Monday, August 24, 2015

Alight, who dumped the crazy juice into the drinking water???

Seriously though.  Everyday, just about, I get a news alert about some jacked up person with a weapon and it makes me feel stabby.  Yes I know I just eluded to violence in response to violence but the difference between the crazy I'm talking about and my "feeling" is I won't actually go out and stab someone!

I'm not getting into the gun law debate...that $hit is crazy as well.  But I do want to point out that it appears that no matter where you go in the world psychopaths with guns are in competition with each other to see who can amass the higher body count.  This isn't a video game people!!! It is f**king terrifying.

Side Note - I don't believe violent games/movies create violence...I think most times it is a lack of intelligence and a lack of self control that creates violence.  Untreated severe mental illness not included. 

We have the nut jobs in the states who have opened fire in public spaces like movie theaters and offices.  We have the loony toon on the train in Europe who was thankfully taken down by some brave individuals before he could do anything really stupid.  We have the INSANE crime in NOLA.  No is so f**king bad it gives me migraines to watch the news.  When you get an alert that a 13 year old robbed an elderly man at gunpoint you know the world has gone to $hit and its plain to see why you have lost Faith in Humanity.  In the same day you also get an alert saying that a during a routine traffic stop some jack@$$ shot a State Trooper in the the HEAD...what is happening?!?!?! Then you remember that a month ago a 13 year old was arrested because he raped an 8 year old. do you ...*hangs head in defeat*.

Yes, I know the state of our mental health, healthcare sucks BUT the crazy is running rampant.  I am saying crazy...maybe its more like delusional...drug induced...self inflicted insanity.  Alcoholics, drug addicts, and mentally unstable persons have been around for a very long time.  This isn't anything new.  So I am really confused as to WHY it is such an epidemic of violence in recent years that is blamed on these things.  Is it because we are more connected so we hear about more?  Are the mind altering substances that much "better"?  Are more people partaking in them?  Is it because these individuals were raised by parents who lived in an "enhanced" state?  Or is it because people were never taught to respect life...or even deal with life for that matter? 

Look, life sucks. . . it isn't easy. . .and bad things happen even to really good people.  But as an adult, you cannot continue to blame your bad behavior on anyone else.  Even if you had a craptastic childhood or marriage or whatever...there comes a point where you have to take responsibility for YOUR actions.

Yes, it is easier said than done but if we RESPECTED life as much as people seem to take it for granted, I think the world would be a much different place.  A better place...maybe.  And as sad as I am to say this if you want to end your life...I don't like it but so be it...all I ask is that you quit taking a room full of innocents with you in the process!

UPDATE!!!!!  WTF it got worse.  This is NOT how I envisioned starting my day...

Then I logged into Facebook and was bombarded with the story from like every news station, it is horrible!!!  Link to "breaking news"

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