Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sometimes I want to fake an accent so people don't know where I am that weird???

That sounds terrible...and I really am proud of my heritage BUT when traveling in other countries it becomes PAINFULLY obvious that I am not the norm for Americans.  I am not exaggerating.  We were out of the country recently and were told more than once by Europeans and citizens of the country we visited that we did not seem American.  Not because of our look...because of our attitudes

While I am fully aware the rest of the world basically laughs at us (come on we are a nutty/spoiled bunch), I guess I didn't really grasp why.  And yes I know every country has its crazies or rude people or @$$holes but I am not really talking about that.  Our citizens are just different and I am fairly different from many of my fellow citizens.  For instance, I have zero desire to go bankrupt buying designer things or live in a over-sized house, in a neighborhood I can't afford or have a car I can't make payments for without cutting back on things like food...I think you get the picture.  I always felt like I was weird because this stuff didn't matter to me but now I am realizing I am better for it.  And I don't mean people that can afford it...I mean people like me who live semi-comfortably but probably shouldn't blow $600 on a f**king purse when they aren't able to buy necessities...can you eat that purse? No.  That material stuff doesn't matter to me, it doesn't tell me you are of higher tells me you don't understand the value of money.  I'd rather spend my extra money and time, traveling the world but that is just me...more power to you if that material item gives you the joy and memories I have from visiting other countries.  I am not being a travel "snob".  I've had friends & family ask how we can afford to travel so much...they WANT to travel but they can't think beyond the purchase of (insert unnecessary EXPENSIVE item)

Moving on, why do I say this...because when I travel outside the US and see Americans who do manage to travel, I cringe.  It is clear many have zero appreciation for other cultures and expect everyone to bend to their needs and wants.  "I am important because I am me", um aren't really that important, you are just another person in a sea of people.  Yea they may travel there because it is "exotic" but they don't attempt to learn, understand, or respect these places.  It isn't all of us, obviously, but it is a frightening majority.  When I go to a foreign country, I want to be a part of it.  I learn key phrases in their language or learn their terminology (we all know words mean different things in other English speaking countries, WTF is a nappy?!?! I know now but I had to look it up).  It just hurts my head when I see others from my nation being disrespectful to locals (or other guests) because of a language barrier.  Sorry honey, you are in THEIR country...they may not know English well but at least they are trying.  I don't hear you trying to speak in their language.  Or b**ching because they don't have some American food/drink.  Who cares?!?! You are in a foreign country...try something new!  My favorite was "you know you talk funny right?!?" said to a British person in a immensely disrespectful way.  Yea well you "talk funny" to them also and that's not even proper English!!! Just saying!  Stop being a tw@t

Side note - control your one wants to hear lil Johnny screaming his brains out (at the infantile age of 10) because the resort has Pepsi and not Coke and then hearing you yell at him to shut up, arguing with him instead of putting your foot down and then giving in and saying you'll buy the f**king $2.50 small BOTTLED Coke in the gift shop that isn't part of the all inclusive you clearly spent A LOT of money on.  Give him a water, its better for him anyway. 

My point is I've noticed I can scan a room of hundreds of people and pick out the Americans mostly because they are the ones being ignorant and rude.  Not all...for instance, there was this older retired couple who were just adorable and friendly and kind, we want to be like them when we grow up!  Clearly there are others like us but we seem to be few and far between.  At least where I was recently those rude/ignorant are the types of Americans we saw...  Which is probably why when making friends with a British couple they were shocked when we spoke because we didn't act like the other @$$es at the resort. 

Side Side Note - I've been told in my miniscule travels that the locals appreciate it when you attempt to communicate in their language.  It might not be perfect but it's a show of respect...something many in our country seem to be lacking these days. 

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