Thursday, February 26, 2015

This is why other countries make fun of us

I feel like if a person from say, the UK, saw this they'd be like "stupid Americans, they don't even know what lettuce looks like."     

This picture messed with my head.  My brain read lettuce but my eyes saw broccoli.  My eyes won out and I got really excited about discounted broccoli only to be disappointed when my brain finally overrode my eyes.   I mean discounted lettuce is good too, I just really wanted some broccoli.

I am not knocking the blog that posted this.  I love that blog and everyone is human and makes a boo boo here and there.  I just thought it was funny. 

UPDATE:  This was basically confirmed by my Middle Eastern friend who walked by my computer while I was typing and said "Um, that's not lettuce".

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