Friday, February 13, 2015

Guess what day it is??? Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

It's....MARDI GRAS!!!!  Well it is the Friday BEFORE Mardi Gras.  Have I mentioned I like Mardi Gras.  It is my 2nd favorite holiday behind Halloween.  I mean they run a very close race and yea, it is a least if you are from 'round these parts.  How could I not love this holiday!?!?  You dress up in completely contrasting colors (purple, green, gold) or some other insane costume that is usually a nod to the great city of NOLA and dance in the streets.  You scream at drunken strangers on insanely decorated Papier-mâché looking contraptions wanting cheap plastic beads which end up being beamed at your face.  And you are probably tipsy which just means your reflexes are off so they actually hit you in the face.  Then we all take pics of your battle wounds and post them to Facebook.  BEST HOLIDAY EVER!

I'm so excited I could do piqué turns around my office *ahhhhhhhhhhhh*.  I just want to Second Line and Mardi Gras the hell am I supposed to sit still for the next two hours?!?!?!  I feel like a squirrel on a coffee bean!  Of course it isn't helping that we are all emailing/texting each other plans for the weekend.  It is in my face every 5 minutes...PARADES! And I'm singing like an idiot, this one is in my head right now  "Ain't no place to pee on Mardi Gras day...Mardi Gras Day!"  

But we have a place to pee...we have a thing...a thing with a seat and a BUCKET!  We WILL have a place to pee on Mardi Gras day (and before)!  It might not be the most luxurious BUT after 6 beers you really don't care you just know you gotta go and you will resort to bushes if it comes down to it.  I don't recommend the can get arrested and it's kind of gross but when nature calls and you are drinking....yea.   And its so unfair because for boys it is easy and can be kind of hidden...we girls have to squat, exposing our bare backsides and come on, there really is no way for us to be discrete!   

I just can't wait! I have my tutu and Mardi Gras tiara and Mardi Gras t-shits and I am ready set go!!!  I just need to go gets my gallon of daiquiri and some beers for the hubs...can it be tomorrow already!?!?!?   Do you think I said Mardi Gras enough times???  I feel like its that Limp Bizkit know it (maybe) "if I say f**k two more times, That's forty six f**ks in this f**ked up rhyme"

This post is a mess but I am exploding with energy and this is my only means to expel it right now!

Happy  Mardi Gras y'all!!!

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